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Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 5151 - brit. colonies lagos

Friday Jun 02, 2023 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1875: 3 d. red-brown and 1 s. orange (15½ mm. Duty Plate), wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, unused examples overprinted SPECIMEN in black (Samuel Type D11), the 1 s. with perfs. trimmed at base, both with part or large part og. Extremely rare, between 1 and 6 examples are recorded of the first issue with the 'Specimen' overprints, probably utilised as file copies by De La Rue: see "The De La Rue Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP page 4509 for similar examples.

Catalogue 301: The BESANÇON Collection (part II) – British West Africa


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