By: Corinphila Auction AG
lot # 1226 - brit. colonies east africa and uganda protectorates
1927 (March 12): Lake Victoria (Kenya) - North Sea Aerial and General Transport Ltd.G-EBOP 'Pelican', two crash covers with one from "NAIROBI KENYA 9 MR 27" to England, the other from Kisumu (March 4) addressed to Ireland, both with adjacent "KENYA-SUDAN AIR MAIL MR. 12 27" cds. in red, showing on reverse "KISUMU KENYA 10 MR 27" cds and special cachet 'Owing temporary failure / Air Service Mail / forwarded normal route' in violet (Nierinck 270312a), together with group of five postcards and on envelope from Ireland bearing rectangle handstamp: "Service officially arranged to / operate from London, March 10 1927, but abandoned owing to / breakdown of Hydroplane on / Lake Victoria" in red (Nierinck 270312c) Nierinck = CHF 3'900.
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