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lot # 6570 - europe Great Britain

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1854, 1 d. red, plate 171, die I, alphabet II, perf. 16, used on First Day Cover, in combination with two 1 s. green embossed, cut to shape, from London to New York, dated 24 February 1854, tied by London Inland "29", 2 s. double weight rate with the 1 d. red paying a Late Fee, sent via Liverpool, with "PAID" mark and an inspector mark both in red, Liverpool reciever dated 25 February 1854, also to front an arrival USA "10/Cents" due mark, 1 d. cut into along base and clipped perfs top of right side, heavy crease vertically through 1 d., soiled, however extremely rare, the first recorded use of a perforated stamp on a foreign destination cover and one of three covers recorded used on 24 February 1854.rnReference: "Notes on the Stamps of Great Britain", F. Philbrick, The Philatelic Record, Volume XVI, 1894, page 220. 


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Corinphila Auctions Ltd.

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