
lot # 40540 - Postmarks of the Mandate & Israel - Jerusalem

Wednesday May 17, 2017 22:00 Asia/Jerusalem
Last date for bids: 
May 17, 22:00 IDT

Early Doar Ivri 23 JUNE 1948 cv ex JERUSALEM to HAIFA franked 10m at DO-1 period letter rate using DI Ba3 (newly issued in J'lem as of 20 June) and tied by 'egg' BaB-2 pmk (date appears as "26" but can't be as Saturday); cut open at left. Last day of the 'postal siege' on Jerusalem.
Poststempel des Mandats & Israel - Jerusalem
חותמות מהמנדט וישראל - ירושלים

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Historama.com is the leading dealer of Israeli, Zionist and Judaic collectibles: numismatics and exonumia, philatelics, militaria, ephemera, banknotes and nostalgic artifacts from Israel-Palestina... Read More

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