
Ian Boulton Stamp Dealer Ace Stamp Auctions

lot # 229 - box lot

Saturday Jun 28, 2014 09:00 Australia/Melbourne

Pandora's Box (ok, suitcase!) with Aust 1968-1980's FDC's in albums & bag incl 1971 Christmas block of 7, 1972 Beef set, 1973 Nat Dev, 1977 $10 Coming South, etc all on AP unaddressed covers in exc cond. (200+), Christmas Is 1980's FDC's to $4 birds, 2 old Triumph album with odd pickings, Aust pre-decimal stockbook with used duplication incl odd KGV, 6d AIF F/U, etc. Also noted pages of cigar bands, 1991 Swedish PO folder, brand new peg fitting album with 10 pages still wrapped, Aust 2000's used on paper, Int Post Aerogrammes mint & FDI & the standard 1981 Royal Wedding & Diana 21st b/day MUH omnibus collections! Also 1980's Nauru & Solomon Is maxicards, China stamp & cover pres books (2), Perth Mint $5 phonecard, old Lottery tickets plus 2 old "Walsh's" of Hay St. certs, "Our World" stamp book series I-III (Cost $50 from AP) & boxes of covers noting a 1937 Guinea Airways flight cover & 1934 Aust to New Guinea via Papua. New Zealand 1920's-1980's used duplicated on Hagners & US & GB used accumulations noting GB 1940's 1/-, 2/- & 3/- KGVI Consular Service stamps with part British Embassy cancels. Plenty to explore with this varied lot. (1000s)
