
lot # 3048 - 5: People's Republic of China liberated areas

Monday Jun 24, 2019 13:30 Asia/Hong_Kong

East China, 1949 envelope from Tsintao to France via Hong Kong (14.11) bearing Postal Runner and Train $10 pair + $50 vertical strip of three + Chairman Mao San Yick printing $200; also 1949 envelope from the same correspondence bearing Gold Yuan Dr. Sun Yat-sen engraved $1000 and litho. $5000 blocks of four (2).
Estimate HK$ 800 - 1,000

Estimate: HK$ 800 - 1,000

Sale Terms

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InterAsia Auctions

InterAsia Auctions' principals bring a tradition of excellence, expertise and client service, unrivalled in China and Asian philately.

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