
Interasia Auctions Limited

lot # 69 - 1: China small dragons

Sunday Jun 23, 2019 09:30 to Monday Jun 24, 2019 15:30 Asia/Hong_Kong

China, 1890 (23 May) red-band envelope to the Chinese Legation in Tokyo (5.6) bearing Small Dragon perf. 11½-12 1ca. bright green (2, one marginal), perf. 12½ 3ca. mauve horizontal pair with sheet margin at left, and perf. 11½-12 5ca. olive-yellow horizontal pair, cancelled by Peking seal in blue, matching "I.G. of Customs/Peking" double-ring origin d.s. and "Customs/Shanghai" double-ring transit d.s. (30.5) on reverse, in combination with Japan Koban 10s. cancelled by "I.J.P.A./Shanghai" c.d.s. (31.5), the 5ca. has inconsequential fold from application over envelope flap, very fine and a magnificent red-band envelope usage to Japan. Chan 14, 19, 21.
Estimate HK$ 200,000 - 250,000

Provenance: Woo Lo-Yuan.

References: Prize Selections from the Rocpex Taipei '81, p. 92. Illustrated.

Estimate: HK$ 200,000 - 250,000


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