By: John Bull Stamp Auctions
lot # 5106 - foreign po in china
1880s-1910s a collection of 33 Japanese PO in China cover and postcards, holding in an album,showing many different types of Shanghai IJPO cds., as large size I.J.Postal Agency cds., Meiji types cds., small size IJPA cds., many different cities' as Peking, Tientsin, Tongku, Chefoo, Shasi, Hankow, Changchun, Port Arthur, Dairen and others IJPO cds. Plus rare oval South Manchuria Rialway Moukden to Changchun IJPO datestamps x 3 and several registered covers. A nice collection. Viewing is highly recommended.
1880-1910年代一冊約33件日本客郵局實寄封片,展現包括很多早期的上海客郵局郵戳如大型I.J. Postal Agency戳、明治式日戳、小型IJPA戳及各種不同戳式,另有不同城市的日本客郵局日戳如北京、塘沽、天津、煙臺、沙市、漢口、長春、旅大、大連及其他等。另有3枚少見的橢圓形南滿鐵路奉天到長春IJPO火車戳和幾枚客郵掛號封等。十分精彩,請預覽。