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By: John Bull Stamp Auctions
lot # 5702 - taiwan
Monday Dec 16, 2024 10:00 Asia/Hong_Kong
Taiwan ROC, 1991, "Children Playing - Singapore Stamp Exh." s/s with overprint mint x 30 pcs, 1992,Children Playing – Hong Kong Stamp Exh. s/s with overprint mint in original pack of 200 x 1 pack and 1993, "Children Playing - Thai Stamp Exh." s/s with overprint mint in original pack of 200 x 2 packs.
民國80年『童玩郵票-中華郵票展覽-新加坡加字小全張』30枚、民國81年『童玩郵票-中華郵票展覽-香港加字小全張』原封200枚 x 1包及民國82年『童玩郵票-中華郵票展覽-泰國加字小全張』原封200枚 x 2包。總面額新臺幣
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Price: $ 10.00
Price: $ 325.00
Price: $ 1,400.00