By: Raritan Stamps Inc.
lot # 409 - 9. Uzhgorod Second issue Postage stamps
1945, black surcharge ''60'' on Postage Due stamp of 2f brown red, watermark Double Cross on Pyramid (IX), unissued surcharge type 5 under 27 degree angle, full OG, NH, VF and extremely rare, one of two printed examples, expertized by Dr. Blaha, this stamp priced with ''-'' in the Cat., Georg von Steiden Cat. #JP1, €1,000, which looks to low for this rarity
Majer #U110
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Raritan Stamps, Inc.
Raritan Stamps, Inc. holds Philatelic Auction of Rare Worldwide Stamps and Postal History. Also retail and wholesale Russian Postage Stamps, including Imperial, RSFSR, USSR and Zemstvo stamps, and... Read More
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