By: Status International
lot # 189 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos/KGV extensive high cat val accumulation in well-filled 32pg s/book with Kangaroos (380) to £2 inc 2½d (10), 4d (6), 6d blue (20), 1/- sideways wmk M, 2/- brown (5), 5/- 2nd wmk perf OS, 5/- 3rd, 5/- CofA wmks, £1 grey Telegraph Puncture, £2 opt SPECIMEN, plus Officials inc opt OS 6d brown, perf G/NSW to 1/- green, perf OS/NSW to 2/- brown & perf OS to 2/- brown & maroon. KGV (1370) inc 1/4 SM wmk perf 14 & other 1/4 (7) to CofA wmk, 4½d violet (18), 4d lemon (6), 4d olive (220), 2d brown (22). Then Officials inc OS opts (40) inc 5d brown (3) & 4d olive (4), plus perf OS to 1/4 CTO & perf OS/NSW to 4d violet. G/NSW to 5d brown & Private perfins sighted. Variable G-F/VF U condition. Very high total individual value, mentioned stamps (ex 4d olive) add up to $3200. Total higher. (1750)
Estimate A$1000
Sale Terms
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More