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Tel Aviv Stamps Ltd.

lot # 56 - JEWISH COLONIES (see also 24 & 43)

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021 20:00 Asia/Jerusalem

Mikveh Israel - 12 SEPT 81 folded letter sent from the Paris seeds firm "Vilmorin - Andrieux & Cie" addressed to Samuel Hirsch the Director of the Agriculture School Mikveh Israel pres Jaffa Palestine (Samuel Hirsch, was appointed as the director of Mikveh Israel in 1878, after being in charge of the Jewish Education in North Africa on behalf of the AIU). The letter is an invoice listing 30 kinds of vegetable seeds and plants sent to Mikveh Israel i.e. carrots, lettuces, parsley, etc. as per the order of 23 August the goods were shipped by the Messageries Maritimes;  letter 2 cm short at right, expertly restored, fine & scarce important Mikveh Israel document


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