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lot # 23521 - Portugal 1867-1935

Wednesday Jan 08, 2025 17:00 Europe/London

Valuable & extensive mostly FU coln on SG Ideal album pages, with much dupl of vals incl some h/v, from King Luis curved label vals to 120r, straight label vals to 1000r, 1882-47 range to 500r, 1892-93 Provisional ovpts to 50r, 1895 St Anthony vals to 150r & 200r, 1895-1905 defin set to 500r, 1912-20 Ceres to 1E, 1924 Camoens set, then continues to 1935. (100s) Cat £4200 (image available) {MX} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £586.40)


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