1898 pictorial types ovpt Official reading up group in mixed condition mint. ½d green block or 4 (3 u.m.) gum faults. 2d purple horiz left marginal strip of 3 u.m. with some tone spots around edges. 3d bistre-brown m.m. h/r6d carmine pink m.m. h/r trimmed perfs at top & small cut top middle. Scarce Cat £450. 2/- blue-green l.m.m. with some light tone marks at edges. (10). Cat £800 (image available) {MH} [US7] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £76.80)
SG O59/O66
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Universal Philatelic Auctions
2008 saw us celebrating our first 50 years of supplying stamps to discerning collectors. Omniphil and Avon Approvals were both launched in 1958. In those days it was not uncommon for 3000 young... Read More
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