Closed Auction

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 173 - brit. colonies Mauritius

Monday Nov 28, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

1863/72: 4 d. rose vertical pair used on 1866 underpaid entire letter o Bordeaux endorsed "p. Mozambique via Suez, Marseille", tied by "B53" obliterators in black. Underpaid and struck with oval "INSUFFICIENTLY / PREPAID" on despatch in red and Accountancy marking "GB / 40c." in black. Marseilles octagonal entry marking (May 16) with reverse showing Mauritius despatch cds (April 18) and Bordeaux arrival cds (May 17) where struck with '10' décimes charge marking. Ironed file fold well away from the adhesives, an unusual entire.rnrn 

Michel Catalogue 291: Europe & Overseas


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