Closed Auction

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 2417 - rumänien vorphilatelie

Friday Nov 29, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Austrian Fieldpost 1856c.: Cover from Chrudhim, Bohemia to a member of the 18th Infantry Regiment in Jassy, struck on despatch with "CHRUDIM" cds (Dec 29) in black; reverse with Czernowitz transit and astonishing use of three different Field Post Office datestamps due to cover's re-direction to Bucharest and thence to Ploesti: with "FELDPOST No. 2" cds applied at Jassy (Jan 7), "K.K. FELPOSTAMT No. 1" applied in Bucharest (Jan 10) and extremely rare "K.K. ÖST.F.P. PITESCHTI" circular datestamp applied on eventual delivery (Jan 14), all being fine strikes in black - the Piteschti cds being one of very few known "Stampless letters - None known, may exist" - (see Tchilinghirian page 459, fig. 765). Slight trim to edges of cover but a truly remarkable usage. Ex collection Sassower.


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