lot # 3530 - europe Belgium
Flemish and Walloon Legions, including approx. 30 covers mainly fieldpost including 2 parcel post labels from Maastricht to Brussels (SS-feldpostprüfstelle Zweigstelle "West" Maastricht) Langemarck Division (from Breslau and Riga), Salzburg legion, Das Reich division including 1943 cover with change of address mark (rare), Haus Germanien (Hildesheim), Vlaamsche Wacht, Organisation Todt, Marineannahmestelle West für germ. Freiwillige (Brussels), Walloon 1941 front-front cover, Garde Wallonne. In addition some philatelic covers with Flemish Legion 1941 set and 1943 Emperor series, Walloon Legion sheetlets of 4 (Mi. nos. I-IV) *) and vignets including of the Rexist part (Rex) on album pages in folder
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Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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