
lot # 10632 - motive

Friday Nov 14, 2014 13:00 to Saturday Nov 15, 2014 18:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Nov 14, 10:00 GMT

Animals, all world, approximate 1965-1994, clean inventory from approximate 140 covers and cards, as well promotional and pictoral hand cancel, maximum cards, mainly legitimate documents amongst other things 43 complete sets, treasure trove!
TIERE, Alle Welt, ca. 1965-1994, sauberer Bestand von ca. 140 Briefen u. Karten, dabei Werbe- und Sonderstempel, Maximumkarten, überwiegend Bedarfsbelege u.a. 43 kpl. Satzausgaben, Fundgrube!
