13 Rp. Landeswappen 1921, die seltene Mischzähnung L12 1/2 : 9 1/2 vom linken Bogenrand, farbfrisch und tadellos postfr., sehr geringe Auflage, Fotoattest Nussbaum.
13 Rp. Country coats of arms in 1921, the rare Mischzhnung L12 1/2: 9 1/2 from left margin of sheet, farbfrisch and faultlessly Postfr., very low issue, number issued, photo-certificate Walnut-tree.
Michel 51C1
Gert Müller Stamp Auctions
Gert Müller Stamp Auctions was established in 1951 and has become well known by holding philatelic ambitions auctions. Numerous collection of important collectors have been auctioneered in the... Read More