10 Pfg. Uno 1955, drei gezähnte Probedrucke in unterschiedlichen Farbnuancen auf Vorlagekarton mit Prägesiegel "BUNDESDRUCKEREI BERLIN". Eine bedeutende Bundesrepublik-Rarität, wie sie auch im Michel-Spezialkatalog nicht verzeichnet ist!
10 Pfg. Uno in 1955, three serrated essay In different colours/shades On model cardboard with Prgesiegel " FEDERAL PRINTING OFFICE BERLIN ". An important federal republic rare piece how she is also not registered in the Michel-special catalogue!
Michel 221Probe
Gert Müller Stamp Auctions
Gert Müller Stamp Auctions was established in 1951 and has become well known by holding philatelic ambitions auctions. Numerous collection of important collectors have been auctioneered in the... Read More