
lot # 40137 - Military Mail - British Empire WWI

Wednesday May 17, 2017 22:00 Asia/Jerusalem
Last date for bids: 
May 17, 22:00 IDT

"Force in Egypt" British WWI military mail in Egypt: front 26 VII 1915 OAS civilian stationary cv ex Military Hospital at Citadel CAIRO to EDINBURGH, mix franked 1d + 4m (slight overcharge for 5m letter rate; unnecessary as FiE eligible for free postage w/officer's endorsement as of 24 May) & tied by 2 strikes of CAIRO-K pmk on latest known date of use pre-EEF period & "Colonel | o/c Mil. Hosp. | Citadel Cairo" cachet w/facsimile officer's signature (FB-NHC43).
Feldpost - Britisches Weltreich Erster Weltkrieg
דואר צבאי - אימפריה בריטית במלחמת העולם ה-1

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Historama is the leading dealer of Israeli, Zionist and Judaic collectibles: numismatics and exonumia, philatelics, militaria, ephemera, banknotes and nostalgic artifacts from Israel-Palestina... Read More

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