
SFK Auctions

lot # 255 - serbia - stamps and postal history

Saturday Jun 21, 2014 10:00 Europe/Belgrade

1903. Preporuceno pismo prve stope težine poslato iz Beograda to Leipzig ( Nemacka ), ispravno frankirano sa 50 p ( 10 p + 15 p + 25 p sa pretiskom državnog grba ): 25 p - pismo prve stope težine i 25 p - za preporuku.
1903 R - letter, 1st weight tier, sent from Belgrade to Leipzig ( Germany ), correctly franked with 50 p ( 10 p + 15 p + 25 p coat of arms overprint ) : 25 p - for a letter ( 1st weight tier ), 25 p - for a registered service.