1913. Petar 2 x 1 d izd. `05 i 2 x 10 p izd. `11 na paketskoj sprovodnici za pouzece iz Beograda za Podgoricu, sa žigom BELGRADE / MESSAGERIES, tranzitom Zemuna i carinskom manipulacijom Kotora.
1913 Petar 2x1 d issue 1905 and 2x10 p + 25 p issue 1911 on COD parcel card from Belgrade to Podgorica, with BELGRADE/MESSAGERIES cancel, Zemun transit and Kotor customs manipulation.
SFK - auctioneer & dealer of stamps, postal history, coins, banknotes, shares, badges, insignia and other ephemera items with emphasis on Balkan area.
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