
SFK Auctions

lot # 1161 - slovenia

Saturday May 16, 2015 12:00 to Sunday May 17, 2015 18:00 Europe/Belgrade
Last date for bids: 
May 15, 23:30 CEST

1919. Verigari 15 v dva cetverca u retkoj iris boji u horizontalnom sutisku u pilastom probodu, gornji niz u tirkiznoj donji u zelenoškriljastoj boji ( Prirucnik HFS br. 5, kat 25 Bd / Be ) atest Petric.
1919 Chain Breakers 15 v two blocks of four in rare iris color, in horizontal se-tenant, zigzag rouletting, top row in turquoise bottom in green-grey (HFS Manual no 5, cat. 25 Bd/Be) certificate Petric.
