Prices Realized

lot # 837 - italian colonies Tunisia

Tuesday Feb 06, 2024 14:30 Europe/Madrid
Last date for bids: 
Feb 06, 12:00 CET

TUNEZ. 1872. Cover from TUNIS to ATHENS sent unpaid, struck with fine TUNISI / POSTE ITALIANE datestamp on despatch (Sept 13) in black. Italic ´coi Postali Italiani´ in black at top and franked on arrival with Large Hermes 5l. green on greenish, 20l. blue and 40l. rosy mauve on blued paper all tied by ATHENS cds´s. Reverse with transits of Cagliari, Brindisi (Sept 22) and Athens cds. A fine and RARE usage. Mi.39, 41, 42.



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