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Welcome to the Ninety-third NEGEV HOLYLAND AUCTION.
This auction features a very nice selection of autographs, anti-Semitic material, and Israel booklets. These are priced to sell.
AGAIN: When sending your bids by e-mail or the web site please include your full name, address, and a phone-number. I have some clients with similar names. If you do not have a full name, address, and a phone-number on your e-mail bids, I will ask for them and not enter the bids until I get that information. Thanks.
AGAIN: I am keeping the LOW PRICED LOTS. The photos are on the web site. For my clients who do not use the web or computers, I will send a limited number of scans for free. These lots are offered AS IS – NO RETURNS. There is NO COMMISSION but the 4% surcharge and postage will be applied. The lot numbers start with 601.
As we all well know, there is much fraudulent and faked material in the INTERIM period. Certificates are generally not issued for this material. This is, more or less, a BUYER BEWARE area with the material being sold AS IS. Nevertheless, in accordance with the terms of sale #06, if, within 30 days - unless a extension is asked for in writing - a competent authority, whom I recognize, states in writing that the material is faked or fraudulent, a full refund will be given
I will have a table at the NOJEX 2019 show. This will be held at Meadowlands Hilton Hotel 2 Meadowlands Plaza East Rutherford, New Jersey 07073. This is located off Route 3 East and the NJ Turnpike (EXIT 16W). SHOW HOURS: Fri. & Sat. - 10:00 am - 6:00 pm & Sunday - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm.

These collections were assembled by a very prestigious collector/dealer. Each has many notes. These were used to write the descriptions. Some have copies of articles by the collector/dealer. These may be in Hebrew or English. Some of the collections can form the basis of a more extensive study, philatelic exhibit, articles in a stamp magazine or a book. The collector/dealer may be willing to assist in this endeavor. Time permitting, I will work with you.
These are being sold at the prices listed. Postage is included for US addresses. For non-US addresses, the postage will be the difference between the US postage and the fees to your location. (Warning: This may be expensive as these are heavy.). Please add 5% if payment by credit card or PAYPAL.
Buy two: take 10% off price of lower priced item
Buy three: take 15% off both lower priced items
Buy four or more: take 20% off all items
I will consider offers for volumes within collections. However, I will not break up volumes.
All sales are FINAL – NO RETURNS. Condition can vary. I attempted to be as precise as possible. There could be material not listed. I may have mis-described some items.
I scanned many items from each collection. These should be representative of what is in the collection. Please do not ask for additional scans.
One may note that many of the covers are not 100% true commercial covers. I define three types of covers. These collections contain all three types.
PURE PHILATELIC COVERS have not been in the mail stream. This includes First Day Covers, special event covers and covers without addresses.
PHILATELICALLY INSPIRED COMMERCIAL COVERS were covers made by or for philatelists. This includes First Flight Covers that have proof of being flown and FDC that did go thru the mails paying the proper rate. As long there is some indication that the cover did do postal duty, it can be included. I believe that if it were not for philatelists of the past, we would not have many of our prized covers.
PURE COMMERCIAL COVERS are ordinary mail.

Welcome to the Ninety-second NEGEV HOLYLAND AUCTION.
This auction features a very nice selection of Israel sheets and booklets. There are also some nice art work and newspapers.
The costs for printing and mailing of catalogues are quite high. The recent rate increases from the US Postal Service only make matters worse. Many auction firms have stopped sending catalogues. They require all clients to use their web sites. I am very hesitant to do this. I have some clients who do not have web access and some who do not even have computers. To be honest, I personally like to get a hard copy. To me they are easier to use. Also web sites could be taken down. However, I must now further cut down on my mailings.
If you have an e-mail address, please include it on your bid sheet. I will then send you notices when the auction is on the web site. If you still desire to get a hard copy of the catalogue, please let me know and I will keep sending it to you. THANK YOU.
AGAIN: When sending your bids by e-mail or the web site please include your full name, address, and a phone-number. I have some clients with similar names. If you do not have a full name, address, and a phone-number on your e-mail bids, I will ask for them and not enter the bids until I get that information. Thanks.
AGAIN: I am keeping the LOW PRICED LOTS. The photos are on the web site. For my clients who do not use the web or computers, I will send a limited number of scans for free. These lots are offered AS IS – NO RETURNS. There is NO COMMISSION but the 4% surcharge and postage will be applied. The lot numbers start with 601.
As we all well know, there is much fraudulent and faked material in the INTERIM period. Certificates are generally not issued for this material. This is, more or less, a BUYER BEWARE area with the material being sold AS IS. Nevertheless, in accordance with the terms of sale #06, if, within 30 days - unless a extension is asked for in writing - a competent authority, whom I recognize, states in writing that the material is faked or fraudulent, a full refund will be given
This auction has many sheets of Israel stamps. Even though it may not be explicitly stated on a lot, there may be perforation separations and/or folds. These are NOT grounds for the return of a lot. If these are a concern for you, please ask me to double check the lot.