30 Pfg 1. May on FDC-card with first day special cancel, in perfect condition, Michel 120.-
30 Pfg 1. Mai auf FDC-Karte mit ESST, tadellos, Mi. 120.-
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #135 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #135 on
The 135th auction’s more than 8,000 lots contain the following highlights:
German states: extensive supply with many cancelled lots, items in mint condition, including many from Helgoland, as well as further Preußen, Thurn & Taxis and all other states with equally attractive offers.
German Empire: interesting selection from the breastplate issues on, very extensive in regard to types, varieties, colours, etc., further se-tenant printings, stamp booklets, etc.; also Nothilfe-Blocks, rare trials, unissued “Burg Rheinstein”, imperforated four-colour proofs of Mi.-Nr. 45, to name only a few highlights.
German colonies / Post offices abroad: extensive supply with many top items and rarities, very strong in forerunner issues, covers and in mint, never hinged issues; equally interesting is the comprehensive supply of “cancellations”.
Occupation I. World War/Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/
WW II/Fieldpost: premium supply with many types, rare stamps and varieties, also including Mi.-Nr. 8A cancelled (1,350), Mi.-Nr. 10BbIDDKI/3 mnh (450), Mi.-Nr. 12II mnh (400) and also Mi.-Nr. 12V mnh (400), as well as others.
German local issues: more than 300 lots with interesting covers, sought-after standard issues and varieties, including nearly all cities represented - from A like Arnsberg to W like Wittenberg.
West zones/Bund/Berlin: extensive selection with many varieties, rarities and top pieces, including among others Bund with numerous varieties, and mnh standard issues, Berlin with sought-after overprint items, numerous Währungsbeschädigten-Blocks, etc.
SBZ/DDR: more than 500 lots, including many rarities, sought-after standard issues, watermark varieties, colours, etc., also includes Mi.-Nr. 439aIIgXI mnh (750), Mi.-Nr. 3091F mnh (130), etc.
Europe: contains among other items a very interesting series (Strecke) of lots from Austria, incl. Rosa Merkur, Wipa-Blocks, Dollfuss, furthermore Switzerland with good initial issues, classics and specialities, also Liechtensteinwith sought-after sets.
Varied collections offerings: a total of more than 900 collections, ranging from items from treasure troves to specialized stamp collections, from brief items to kilo ware, just about everything is represented.
Coins: more than 400 selected lots with numerous collectors’ coins and gold coins. That includes an extensive number of medallions.
Please note that conditions have changed - a buyers premium of 20% will be added to the final price, as well as a lot fee of 2,50 and postage. VAT of 19 % applies only on buyers premium, lot fee and postage and only if shipped in the EC. Please see this page for all terms and conditions
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Lot #8439 - liquidation ddr
Lot #8440 - liquidation ddr
84 Pfg Debria always on accordingly jewellery card resp -cover with three-colored special cancellation Leipzig, in perfect condition
84 Pfg Debria je auf entsprechender Schmuck-Karte bzw -Brief mit dreifarbigem SST LEIPZIG, tadellos
Lot #8441 - liquidation ddr
Academy complete on round ausgeschnittenen pieces with appropriate special cancellation Berlin 11. 7. 50, in perfect condition, decoratively, Michel 150.-
Akademie komplett auf rund ausgeschnittenen Briefstücken mit entsprechendem SST BERLIN 11.7.50, tadellos, dekorativ, Mi. 150.-
Lot #8442 - liquidation ddr
German-Polish and German-Chinese friendship complete on 3 pieces with 4 further values, in perfect condition used, Michel 215.-
Deutsch-polnische und Deutsch-chinesische Freundschaft komplett auf 3 Briefstücken mit 4 weiteren Werten, tadellos gestempelt, Mi. 215.-
Lot #8443 - liquidation ddr
24 Pfg. DCF, unused in perfect condition, Michel 70.-
24 Pfg. DCF, ungebr. tadellos, Mi. 70.-
Lot #8444 - liquidation ddr
24 Pfg Pieck blackish red orange and dark red, both colours with better watermark 2 Y I, neat cancelled, expertized Schönherr BPP, Michel 434.-
24 Pfg Pieck schwärzlichrotorange und dunkelrot, beide Farben mit besserem Wz. 2 Y I, sauber gestempelt, gepr. Schönherr BPP, Mi. 434.-
Lot #8445 - liquidation ddr
35 Pfg Wheel distance trip with plate flaw "Vh in lieu of VI. As well white spot in the breast of the Driver leftmost", in perfect condition with appropriate special cancellation, expertized Paul BPP
35 Pfg Radfernfahrt mit Plattenfehler "Vh statt VI. sowie weißer Fleck in der Brust des Fahrers ganz links", tadellos mit entspr. SST, gepr. Paul BPP
Lot #8446 - liquidation ddr
24 Pfg 700 years Frankfurt with plate flaw "4 the indication of value 24 inside fifty-fifty filled", in perfect condition mint never hinged, expertized Paul BPP
24 Pfg 700 Jahre Frankfurt mit Plattenfehler "4 der Wertangabe 24 innen zur Hälfte ausgefüllt", tadellos postfrisch, gepr. Paul BPP
Lot #8447 - liquidation ddr
Five year plan I complete, in perfect condition with philatelic Abtempelung, the stamps wise still the full original gum on, Michel 110.-
Fünfjahrplan I komplett, tadellos mit philatelistischer Abtempelung, die Marken weisen noch den vollen Originalgummi auf, Mi. 110.-
Lot #8448 - liquidation ddr
Five year plan I, complete set of blocks of four with philatelic Abtempelung from first day, the stamps wise still the full original gum on, Michel 440,-
Fünfjahrplan I, kompletter Viererblock-Satz mit philatelistischer Abtempelung vom Ersttag, die Marken weisen noch den vollen Originalgummi auf, Mi. 440,-
Lot #8449 - liquidation ddr
40 Pfg five year plan II watermarked 2 Y I in the blocks of four from the margin, in perfect condition with first day special cancel Berlin W 8 - guesthouse ADLON, Michel 120.-
40 Pfg Fünfjahrplan II mit Wz. 2 Y I im Rand-Viererblock, tadellos mit ESST BERLIN W 8 - HOTEL ADLON, Mi. 120.-
Lot #8450 - liquidation ddr
Briefmarkenausstellungs souvenir sheet with plate flaw "dot over right upper Block enclosure ornament", in perfect condition mint never hinged, photo expertize Paul BPP ". . . Perfect", Michel 350,-
Briefmarkenausstellungs-Block mit Plattenfehler "Punkt über rechtem oberem Block-Einfassungsornament", tadellos postfrisch, Fotobefund Paul BPP "...einwandfrei", Mi. 350,-
Lot #8451 - liquidation ddr
Schiller-block with the both plate flaws IV and X, in perfect condition mint never hinged, Michel 380.-
Schiller-Block mit den beiden Plattenfehlern IV und X, tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 380.-
Lot #8452 - liquidation ddr
Schiller-block with plate flaw "Abschlussserife of the W from we right extended", in perfect condition mint never hinged, Michel 300.-
Schiller-Block mit Plattenfehler "Abschlussserife des W von WIR rechts verlängert", tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 300.-
Lot #8453 - liquidation ddr
60 Pfg Luxembourg with better watermark 2 X I, in perfect condition with special cancellation, expertized Paul BPP
60 Pfg Luxemburg mit besserem Wz. 2 X I, tadellos mit SSt, gepr. Paul BPP
Lot #8454 - liquidation ddr
Engels-souvenir sheet with postmark Meadows castle 30. 12. 56, in perfect condition, Michel 180.-
Engels-Block mit Stempel WIESENBURG 30.12.56, tadellos, Mi. 180.-
Lot #8455 - liquidation ddr
10 Pfg painting I with plate flaw "upper Picture line right damaged", once in the horizontal pair from the left upper corner, in perfect condition mint never hinged, Michel 120.-
10 Pfg Gemälde I mit Plattenfehler "obere Bildlinie rechts beschädigt", einmal im waagerechten Paar aus der linken oberen Bogenecke, tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 120.-
Lot #8456 - liquidation ddr
Heine complete on 2 illustrated First Day Cover with scarce first day special cancel Berlin W 8 German Heinrich HEINE Distinction 17. 2. 56 with the letters an and b, in perfect condition
Heine komplett auf 2 Schmuck-FDC mit seltenem ESST BERLIN W 8 DEUTSCHE-HEINRICH-HEINE-EHRUNG 17.2.56 mit den Kennbuchstaben a und b, tadellos
Lot #8457 - liquidation ddr
20 Pf. railroad, unperforated strip of ten mint never hinged
20 Pf. Eisenbahn, ungezähnter Zehnerstreifen postfrisch
Lot #8458 - liquidation ddr
20 Pfg moon landing with plate flaw "second n in moon landing below closed", in perfect condition mint never hinged, Michel 100.-
20 Pfg Mondlandung mit Plattenfehler "zweites n in Mondlandung unten geschlossen", tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 100.-
Lot #8459 - liquidation ddr
Year book 1986 complete, Michel 100.-
Jahrbuch 1986 kpl., Mi. 100.-
Lot #8460 - liquidation ddr
Seoul souvenir sheet with plate flaw "notch above in the 5 the numeral of value", in perfect condition mint never hinged, Michel 120.-
Seoul-Block mit Plattenfehler "Kerbe oben in der 5 der Wertziffer", tadellos postfrisch, Mi. 120.-
Lot #8461 - liquidation ddr zkd b
10 Pfg. on granite paper, unhinged mint value with manufactured minimum gumless place, as usual perforation, expertized Weigelt BPP, Michel 120.-
10 Pfg. auf Faserpapier, postfrischer Wert mit herstellungsbedingter minimaler gummifreier Stelle, übliche Zähnung, gepr. Weigelt BPP, Mi. 120.-
Lot #8462 - liquidation ddr zusammendrucke
Serbian Tanztracht, 10 / z / 10 and 20 / z / 10 without seal, Michel 220.-
Serbische Tanztracht, 10/z/10 und 20/z/10 ohne Siegel, Mi. 220.-
Lot #8463 - liquidation berlin
1 M. red overprint o in the vertical pair (1 value 1/2 tooth), expertized Schlegel BPP, Michel 1. 200.-
1 M. Rotaufdruck o im senkrechten Paar (1 Wert 1/2 Zahn), gepr. Schlegel BPP, Mi. 1.200.-
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More