WAR CROSS 1940. 3rd class:Bronze cross and crown. With full ribbon (Stratoudakis 121.34) Very Fine
Auction #498 of Coins, Medals & Banknotes
By: A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos Auction #498 of Coins, Medals & Banknotes
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Lot #6151 - greece - medals and decorations greek military medals and decorations
Lot #6152 - greece - medals and decorations greek military medals and decorations
NATIONAL RESISTANCE 1941-45 Commemorative medal. The second type of this medal struck after 1982 with inscription "ΕΘΝΙΚΗ ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΗ 1941-45". with full original ribbon.(Stratoudakis 132) Extremely Fine
Lot #6153 - greece - medals and decorations greek military medals and decorations
GREECE 1945. AIR FORCE "CROSS OF MERIT" with full original ribbon,(Stratoudakis 205.01) Extremely Fine.
Lot #6154 - greece - medals and decorations greek military medals and decorations
GREECE:AIR FORCE "MEDAL for OUTSTANDING ACTS" 1945. In bronze,with full original ribbon.(stratoudakis 207) Extrem.Fine
Lot #6155 - greece - medals and decorations greek military medals and decorations
Medal of 150th Anniversary of National Regeneration 1971 (not awarded Medal) Second class, in silver or silver plated. without ribbon (Stratoudakis 706.2) Almost Extremely Fine
Lot #6156 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
Medal (2006) with "Ancient Greek coin with grapes / MARONEIA" in brass. Issued by the Athens Numismatic Museum / Schliemanns "Iliou Melathron" Slightly oxidized. Weight:10gr. & Diameter:29mm. Extremely Fine
Lot #6157 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
Lead oval medal (at the begginings of the 19th century) by Arsenios Tsanetos for "ΧΙΛΙΑΡΧΩ ΛΟΒΕ". Obv: The figure of Odyssey with his armour and the legend "ΠΡΟΣΦΟΡΑ ΙΘΑΚΗΣΙΩΝ". Rev: A rooster between two branches and the legend "ΤΩ ΧΙΛΙΑΡΧΩ ΛΟΒΕ/ΙΘΑΚΕΩΝ". Diametr: 86mm & 55mm. Weight: 48gr. Almost Very Fine(small hole under the legend). Extremely Rare.
Lot #6158 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
1907 commemorative bronze medal by kelaidis. "ΟΡΦΑΝΟΤΡΟΦΕΙΟΝ Γ. & ΑΙΚ. ΧΑΤΖΗΚΩΝΣΤΑ - ΕΠΙ ΤΗ ΠΕΝΤΗΚΟΝΤΑΕΤΗΡΙΔΙ", weight:47,30 gr. & 46mm. in case. Extrem.Fine.
Lot #6159 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
1841 Silver medal by Lange. Obverse: The General Petros Mauromichalis with a legend with his name. Reverse: The legends "TΡΙΠΟΛΗ, 23 Sept. 1821/Ο ΔΕ ΘΕΟΣ ΗΓΕΙΤΟ ΑΥΤΩΝ". Diametr: 45mm. Weight: 61,60 gr. (Broken die). Almsot Extremely Fine & Extremely rare.
Lot #6160 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
1850 Large bronze medal by Lange for "The regent of Greece by Amalia August 1850-August 1851" Obverse: Amalia and the legend: "ΑΜΑΛΙΑ ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ". Reverse: 3 palm trees, columns Olympion Zeus, Acropole and the legend: "ΔΙΚΑΙΩΣ ΩΣ ΦΟΙΝΙΞ ΑΝΘΗΣΕΙ(The creation of the royal garden was Amalias achievement). Diametr: 47mm. Weight: 40,30 gr. Almost Extremely Fine.
Lot #6161 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
1870. Bronze medal. by BAPPE for "ΝΑΥΤΙΚΟΝ ΑΠΟΜΑΧΙΚΟΝ ΤΑΜΕΙΟΝ /MERCHANT SEAMENS FUND" Obverse: "George I,King of Greeks".Reverse:Bow & three laurel wreath, strikes on perimetre. Weight:25,10 gr. & Diameter:36mm. Almost Very Fine
Lot #6162 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
1819 Large bronze(goldplate on Obverse at center). Medal commemorative for P. Ross. Obv: Map of the area Lefkada and the goldplated head at the center. There is also a legend in greek "ΝΕΩΡΥΧΗΣ ΑΥΛΑΞ". Rev: Legend in 8 lines in greek "Π. ΡΟΣΣ ΧΙΛΙΑΡΧΩΙ ΕΠΙΕΙΚΟΥΣ ΔΙΚΑΙΑΡΧΙΑΣ ΕΝΕΚΕΝ ΩΝ ΤΕ ΑΙΤΙΟΣ ΠΟΛΛΩΝ ΑΓΑΘΩΝ ΓΕΓΟΝΕΝ ΤΗΣ ΤΕΤΑΡΤΙ ΤΟΥ ΙΣΘΜΟΥ ΑΝΟΡΥΞΕΩΣ ΕΥΓΝΩΜΟΣΥΝΗΣ ΔΕΙΓΜΑ. ΕΤΗ ΣΩΤΗΡ ΑΩΙΘ(1819)". Also there is a wreath with ribbons. CONTINUE
Lot #6163 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
Large commemorative medal for "THE VISIT OF GEORGE 1ST KING OF HELLENES TO THE CITY OF LONDON, 16th JUNE 1880" in bronze engraved by G.G.Adams. Weight:284gr & size:75mm. In special official wooden case, with outer leather lining. Small strike on perimetre. Extremely Fine
Lot #6164 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
1898 Visit of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia to Crete, a pair of silver medals, unsigned, both with bust of Nicholas II right. Rev: bust of Prince George of Greece, Gov. General of Crete right, legend in Greek on one, Russian on other, Russian medal dated & Greek medal (Stamped 0,990 on edge). WEIGHT:13,91 gr. & 14,30 gr. Diametr.: 34mm. DIAKOV 1281.1 & 1281.2(provenance from Spink Sale in late 1970s). RARE & EXTREM. FINE.
Lot #6165 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
Bronze Medal.(1903-1904) by Kelaidis. For "Macedonian Struggle".Obverse:"ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΚΟΣ ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ 1903". on reverse: "ΣΩΣΩΜΕΝ ΤΗΝ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ". Strikes on perimetre, corroded & with broken suspension. Weight:20,70gr. & Diameter:37mm. RARE & FINE
Lot #6166 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
Silver plated, Baptism medal(1921). with "ΕΙΡΗΝΗ" (her name).on reverse: date of birth,28-8-1921 & date of baptism,31-10-1921/ Godfather:A.ZHSIMOS,oxidized. Extremely Fine
Lot #6167 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
Lot #6168 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
Greek Bronze.(awarded) medal 1932. Signed by Emile Monier for "Panhellenic Hunting Games/Π.Κ.Α." was awarded to "O.K.Π / 1932" with "shooter and Goddess." Weight:19,49gr. & Diameter:36mm. VERY FINE PLUS
Lot #6169 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
Bronze Medal by M.Nero for "ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟΝ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ", size: 40mm. & 19gr. Almost Extra Fine.
Lot #6170 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
Greek Pin. with "Paleon Patron Germanos / ΣΥΛΛΟΓΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΕΙΡΑΙΕΙ ΚΑΛΑΒΡΥΤΙΝΩΝ" on backside:"ΕΡΓΟΣΤΑΣΙΟΝ ΣΗΜΑΤΩΝ ΕΝ ΑΘΗΝΑΙΣ / ΟΔ. ΣΤΑΔΙΟΥ 40 - Δ. ΜΑΓΕΙΡΟΥ".(Manufacturer) Diameter:32mm. Extremely Fine
Lot #6171 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
ΑΘΛΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΟΜΙΛΟΣ * ΚΕΡΑΜΕΙΚΟΣ / ΝΕΟΝ ΦΑΛΗΡΟΝ 1938 pin in blue and white,enameled with bull figure. Very Fine
Lot #6172 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
Large bronze medal. 1966 in commemoration of the 125th anniversary of the National Bank of Greece. Signed by M.TOMPROS Obverse: G. Stavros, the banks founder. on reverse: Ancient Athenial Owl tetradrachm. Weight:160gr. & Diameter:70mm. Extremely Fine
Lot #6173 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
Gold Medal(1980) from "Ellinikos sylectikos kuklos/EPE".Manufacture:N.B.Kokkalias. For "ΚΥΠΕΛΟ ΕΘΝΩΝ 1980/UEFA EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP EUROPA 80"(No 267).in gold(0,750).Weight:8gr.& Diameter:21mm. original case & certificate.PROOF
Lot #6174 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
1982 Commemorative medal for "Greek mint" & "Goddess Athena"in silver proof. Weight:14gr.in case.PROOF
Lot #6175 - greece - medals and decorations various greek medals
2001 Commemorative medal for "30 years,Greek mint./1971-2001" & "Goddess Athena"in silver proof. Weight: 13 gr.(0,650) silver.& diametre:31mm.in case. & certificate Proof.
A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos are experienced auctioneers of Philatelic, Numismatic and Post Card. We are specialists in the stamps and postal history of Greece, Greek Errors, New Greek Territories, Levant,... Read More
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