$50 Fraser-Cole. R-513. Missing lemon printing phase on back right section. Left section is faint due to fade out. VF. (P)
$100 Fraser-Evans (19)96 Test note. With partial green print missing on front possibly caused by obstruction during printing. R-616. EF.
$5 Fraser-Higgins missing virtually all of left serial prefix & number only the down stroke of the 7 is visible. UNC. R-212. (P)
$10 Macfarlane-Evans consec pr BC 98 265079/80 missing orange simultan colour on back of first note. R-318c. UNC Rare (2)
$100 Johnston-Fraser missing complete (simultan underprint) printing phase on front resulting in no signatures. R-609 gVF. Rare & impressive (P)
$100 Fraser-Higgins wet ink transfer on the left of the numeral 100 & Australia. EF. R-612. (P)
$1 Johnston-Stone fadeout of the intaglio printing face below the 2 signatures resulting in missing the sig titles & legal tender status lines of the print. R-78. VF rare. (P)