roman imperatorial period - Coin Auctions

Lot 3429 - roman imperatorial period  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

Lot 3429 - roman imperatorial period - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

Julius Caesar. Silver Denarius (3.95 g), 46 BC. Utica(?). COS TERT behind, DICT ITER before, head of Ceres right, wreathed with grain ears. Reverse [A]VGVR above, PONT MAX in exergue, emblems of the augurate and pontificate: simpulum, sprinkler, capis and lituus; in right field, M (Munus). Crawford 467/1b; HCRI 57a; Sydenham 1024; RSC 4. NGC grade Choice Extremely Fine; Strike: 4/5, Surface: 5/5.
Estimated Value $600 - 700.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

roman imperatorial period
Lot 3430 - roman imperatorial period  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

Lot 3430 - roman imperatorial period - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

Julius Caesar. Silver Denarius (4.0 g), 44 BC. Rome. L. Aemilius Buca, moneyer. [CAE]SAR DICT PERPET[VO], laureate head of Julius Caesar right. Reverse L BVCA, winged caduceus and fasces in saltire; globe, in angles, axe, globe, and clasped hands. Crawford 480/6; Alföldi type XIII; HCRI 103; Sydenham 1063; RSC 25. NGC grade Choice Very Fine; Strike: 2/5, Surface: 5/5.
Estimated Value $2,000 - 2,500.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

roman imperatorial period
Lot 3433 - roman imperatorial period  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

Lot 3433 - roman imperatorial period - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

Octavian. AR Denarius (3.8g), minted 30/29 BC probably at Rome. Bare head of Octavian, right. Reverse IMP - CAESAR; military trophy, its base crossed with rudder and anchor and set on prow. RIC 265a; BMC-625; C-119; Sear 419. Struck a bit off-center and cleaned. Splendid portrait style. Choice Very Fine.

Reverse refers to the various naval victories achieved by Octavian and Agrippa, most notably at Actium in 31 BC.
Estimated Value $700 - 800.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

roman imperatorial period
Lot 3423 - roman imperatorial period  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

Lot 3423 - roman imperatorial period - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

L. Cestius and C. Norbanus. Gold Aureus (8.12 g), 43 BC. Rome. C NORBA-NVS above, L CESTIVS below, PR in right field, draped bust of Etruscan (Tiburtine?) Sibyl right. Reverse S C in upper left field, Cybele, holding patera and reins, driving cart drawn left by two lions. Crawford 491/2; HCRI 196; Sydenham 1155; Calicó 5a (same dies as illus.). Rare. Lustrous and virtually as struck. About Extremely Fine.
Estimated Value $7,000 - 8,000.
From the Goldman Roman Imperatorial Collection.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

roman imperatorial period
Lot 3434 - roman imperatorial period  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

Lot 3434 - roman imperatorial period - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

Mark Antony & Octavian. Silver Denarius (3.9 g), 41 BC. Ephesus. M. Barbatius Pollio, quaestor pro praetore. M ANT I(MP) (AV)G III VIR R P C M BARBAT Q P, bare head of Mark Antony right. Reverse CAESAR IMP PONT III VIR R P C, bare head of Octavian right, with slight beard. Crawford 517/2; HCRI 243; Sydenham 1181; RSC 8. Lightly toned with some underlying luster. Very Fine.
Estimated Value $700 - 800.
Ex NAC 64 (17-18 May 2012), 2347.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

roman imperatorial period
Lot 3424 - roman imperatorial period  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

Lot 3424 - roman imperatorial period - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

Cnaeus Pompey Jr. Silver Denarius (3.9 g), 46-45 BC. Corduba. M POBLICI LEG [PRO] PR, helmeted head of Roma right. Reverse CN [MAGNV]S IMP, Hispania standing right, shield on her back, holding two spears and presenting palm to Pompeian soldier standing left on prow, armed with sword. Crawford 469/1a; HCRI 48; Sydenham 1035; RSC 1 (Pompey the Great). Attractively toned. Area of weakness around border and slightly off center. Very Fine.

The reverse type represents the support of Further Spain for the Pompeian cause. The female figure, who Crawford does not identify, is obviously Hispania, coming to lend her support (arms) which will lead to ultimate victory (palm-branch) and the restoration of a constitutional Republic.
Estimated Value $500 - 600.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #80

roman imperatorial period