single campaign medals - Coin Auctions

Lot 120 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 120 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Territorial Efficiency Medal Geo V to 160726 Cpl. R. Mateer, Dragoons (this is a renamed medal), M.I.C shows him entitled to 1914/15 Trio in Lancs Fus. and as No. 160726 Shropshire Yeomany, GVF
Estimated Price: £30.00 - 40.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 15 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 15 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

India Mutiny Medal, 1857-58, no clasp to Pte. C. Wright, 34th Foot, style of naming suggests a later issue than normal. Copy medal roll confirms awarded for operations in Trans Gogra Region and Napual Mar-April 1859. Served as No. 440, EF
Estimated Price: £150.00 - 250.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 139 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 139 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Geo V Jubilee Medal 1910-35, boxed plus Royal Mint Medalet in silver (also boxed), EF
Estimated Price: £30.00 - 50.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 44 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 44 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

India General Service Medal, 1905 clasp N.W.F 1930-31 to 3593743 Pte. C. Adamson, Border Rgt (marked duplicate), EF
Estimated Price: £20.00 - 50.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 62 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 62 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

General Service Medal Geo VI, clasp Malaya to 2411283 S.A.C Dashwell RAF, NEF
Estimated Price: £45.00 - 70.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 78 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 78 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Campaign Service Medal, N. Ireland to 25111550 Pte. S. A. Peers RLC entitled to Iraq and Golden Jubilee Medal, EK on rev. edge. EF
Estimated Price: £60.00 - 80.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 96 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 96 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Edward VII L.S.G.C Medal to C5693 J. Jago, Seaman 1st Class, R.N.R, EF
Estimated Price: £45.00 - 65.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 133 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 133 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Victorian The Royal Temperance Association 1897 for India Medal (palm tree and water carriers obverse) in silver, GVF
Estimated Price: £20.00 - 35.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 31 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 31 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Khedives Sudan Medal, clasp Khartoum in silver to 3106 Buglar Said Khan, 26th Bengal Inf. (nice rank), copy medal roll, unusual as a single clasp medal, EF
Estimated Price: £140.00 - 200.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals
Lot 57 - single campaign medals  -  Corbitts Coin Sale #37

Lot 57 - single campaign medals - Corbitts Coin Sale #37

General Service Medal Geo VI, clasp Malaya to SAC H. F. Thompson 4000634 RAF. GVF
Estimated Price: £50.00 - 70.00

Corbitts Coin Sale #37

single campaign medals