
Dr. Reinhard Fischer

lot # 1076 - MÜNZEN BANKNOTEN & ORDEN china volksrepublik

Friday Nov 13, 2015 08:00 to Saturday Nov 14, 2015 16:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Nov 13, 07:00 CET

50 yuan, silver, 1999, rectangular, 50 years people's republic China proclamation the people's republic through Mao Zedong, nice 1133, KM 1249, 999er silver, 155, 67 g 5 oz, in small plastic box and welded, PP.
50 Yuan, Silber, 1999, rechteckig, 50 Jahre Volksrepublik China-Proklamation der Volksrepublik durch Mao Zedong, Schön 1133, KM 1249, 999er Silber, 155,67 g 5 oz, in Plastikkästchen und verschweisst, PP.