Sear, David R., Greek Coins and their Values: Volumes 1 & 2, Volume 1. Europe, B. A. Seaby, Ltd., London, 1978, 316 pages, photos throughout, hardcover with dust jacket. Introduction to Ancient Greek coinage of Europe, including Spain, Gaul, Britain, Celtic coinage of central Europe and Asia Minor, Italy, Sicily, Northern Greece, Illyria and Central Greece, Peloponnesos, the Cyclades and Crete. There is a brief account of the history and development of coinage, sections on general coin types, weight standards and denominations, dating, reference books and ancient alphabets, as well as several useful maps. Includes 3,395 coins and 1500 illustrations Volume 2. Asia & Africa, B. A. Seaby, Ltd., London, 1979, 762 pages, photos throughout, hardcover with dust jacket. Introduction to Ancient Greek coinage of Asia and Africa, including Asia Minor, the East, Egypt and North Africa, and the Hellenistic monarchies. There is a brief account of the history and development of Greek coinage, sections on coin types, weight standards and denominations, dating, reference books, and ancient alphabets, as well as many maps and a glossary. Includes over 4000 coins and nearly 2000 photographs, minor bit of tape on spine, lot of 2 volumes.
Estimate: $40 - 60
Stephen Album Rare Coins
Stephen Album Rare Coins is an American company specializing in Oriental coins which includes Ancient, Islamic, Indian, Chinese and modern world coins. The company produces monthly catalogs and... Read More