1913 (June 16): Turkey 20 pa. dull rose on ordinary wove paper, an unused horizontal pair surcharged with "Double headed Eagle" in carmine in tête-bêche format, cancelled to order with black cds, part og. remaining. An extremely scarce pair. Signed Richter, Stolow Mi = € 700+.
Corinphila Auction 291-297 Day 3
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Corinphila Auction 291-297 Day 3
Corinphila Auction 291-297 Nov Dec 2022
Sale 291: General Catalogue Europe & Overseas (Lot 1-1635)
plus six Special Catalogues:
Sale 292: The Ing. Provera Collection (part V) (Lots: 3001-3670)
Sale 293: Austria & Lombardy-Venetia ‘The Collection WALDVIERTEL’ (Lots 4001-4331)
Sale 294: Great Britain Special Catalogue (Lots 5001-5475)
Sale 295: The Besançon Collection Series: British Commonwealth (Lots 6001-6754)
Sale 296: Switzerland and Liechtenstein (Lots 8001-8711 plus 9001-9778)
Sale 297: The DUBOIS Collection (part I) Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia (Lots 10001-10703)
See also our auction Schedule:
Catalogue 295 |
British Commonwealth |
The Besançon Collection Ceylon, British Central & East Africa, Bushire |
6001-6754 |
Monday, Nov. 28 |
09.00h CET |
Catalogue 291 |
British Commonwealth |
Australia -Trinidad & Tobago |
1-258 |
Monday, Nov 28 |
18.00h CET |
Catalogue 297 |
Australia & Australian States |
The Dubois Collection (part I) |
10001-10703 |
Tuesday, Nov. 29 |
09.00h CET |
Catalogue 294 |
Great Britain |
Special Collections |
5001-5475 |
Tuesday, Nov.29 |
16.00h CET |
Catalogue 291 |
Europe & Overseas |
Europe A-N |
259-761 |
Wednesday, Nov. 30 |
09.00h CET |
Catalogue 291 |
Europe & Overseas |
Europe O-Z |
762-1073 |
Wednesday, Nov.30 |
13.30h CET |
Catalogue 293 |
Austria Special Collection |
‘Waldviertel’ (part I) |
4001-4331 |
Wednesday, Nov. 30 |
17.00h CET |
Catalogue 292 |
The Ing. Pietro Provera Collection (part V) |
Italy, France Europe & Overseas |
3001-3670 |
Thursday, Dec. 1 |
09.00 CET |
Catalogue 291 |
Americas North-Central & South America |
USA - Venezuela |
1074-1385 |
Thursday, Dec. 1 |
17.00h CET |
Catalogue 291 |
Overseas |
Afghanistan – Tibet + All World Collections |
1386-1635 |
Friday, Dec. 2 |
09.00 CET |
Catalogue 296 |
Switzerland & Liechtenstein |
Switzerland 1907 and later issues |
9001-9498 |
Friday, Dec. 2 |
11.30h CET |
Switzerland & Liechtenstein |
Collections & Accumulations |
9499-9778 |
Friday Dec. 2 |
16.00h CET |
Catalogue 296 |
Classic Switzerland |
Classic Switzerland |
8001-8368 |
Saturday Dec. 3 |
10.00h CET |
Catalogue 296 |
Switzerland & Liechtenstein |
Switzerland 1854 -1900 |
8369-8711 |
Saturday Dec. 3 |
14.00h CET |
Auction conditions remain the same: 22% buyers
The total amount due is payable in Swiss Francs (CHF). Foreign currencies will be accepted to the extent of the amounts credited by a principal Swiss bank; any costs arising from exchange rate differences will be borne by the bidder. In addition to the hammer price including the 22% commission, the Swiss value-added tax (VAT) of 7,7% is payable.
VAT is not payable by Buyers from abroad possessing a legal direct export declaration or if exported by Swisspost, FedEx or another official carrier. If Buyers from abroad wish to export the lots themselves, VAT will be debited and refunded upon presentation of the legal export declaration.
Sale Terms
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- brit. colonies (4) Apply brit. colonies filter
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- french colonies (16) Apply french colonies filter
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Lot #260 - europe Albania
1913 (June 16): Turkey 5 pi. deep lilac, an unused example of fine centering and colour, surcharged with "Double headed Eagle" in black, variety "Inverted", fresh and fine, large part og. Rare. Certificate Dr. Peters AIEP (2022).
Lot #261 - europe Albania
1913/1985: Collection with a good range of better material beginning with 1913 Skanderbeg fine used on large pieces, 1925 Zogu, unissued perf. and imperf. in blocks of four, 1927 Airmails to 3Fr, Italian occupations and later a good range of pictorial issues. There are also eighteen letters and postcards, much of it Italian fieldpost. Fine collection.
Lot #262 - europe Albania
1914/17: Lot two adhesives and five covers, incl. Korça 1917 Double Eagle 25 cts. blue & black used on 1917 cover to USA tied by "KORYTSA / ALBANIE" cds (March 27); Korça 1914 two philatelic Envelopes, one showing square Double headed Eagle 10 pa. red on black and 25 pa. red on black each struck directly onto buff envelope and cancelled by "KORCË" cds's (April 16) with Elbasan cds of receipt on reverse (April 19), opinion Holcombe, second...
Lot #263 - europe Albania
1849/1939: Lot 30 primarily unused stamps/proofs and ten covers incl. French Occupation, Korça 1920 Cover to Korce franked by France Sower 5 c. green, 10 c. red and 25 c. blue tied by two fine strikes of circular "TERRITOIRE DE POGRADEC / POSTE" cachets in red with "KORYTSA / ALBANIE" cds; Italian Post Offices 1918 Cover to Bari franked by Italy 40 c. orange tied by "POSTE ITALIANE / DELVINO" cds with information strike adjacent (Oct. 29),...
Lot #264 - europe Belgium
1784 (Dec. 24): Entire letter from Philadelphia (USA) to Courtray (Belgium): 'pr. Le Jeune Prince /Capt. D. Vaillant / via Dunkerque /a:D:C:' with DUNKERQUE h.s. in black and taxed '8'. 18th century trans-atlantic letters are rare.
Lot #265 - europe Belgium
1915: Unoccupied Belgium, Railway provisional issue, complete except: 10c red (A49 and B49) and 40c green (A53) mostly with full og, of good quality and competently signed. A total of 13 stamps with 4 certificates Baete and a certificate Balasse including for the top values 2 Fr. violet and 5 Fr. brownish red. Mi=12'000.
Lot #266 - europe Belgium
1849/1980 (ca.): Important mint and used collection in 14 large Albums with a good classic section beginning with three covers of the "Epaulette" issue including a very early 20 Cent blue Plate I dated 21. August 1849 (Certificate van der Linden AIEP) and 25 mostly four margin copies. Later issues comprise six copies of 1878 5 Fr. in both shades, two with certificates (Fulpius, Hunziker), including two different with savingsbank rollers. Semi...
Lot #267 - europe Belgium
1850/1960: Lot circa 80 covers with Belgium number 2, stationery and picture postcards, some German occupation and airpost, censorship; additionaly about 30 items from the Netherlands; mostly good condition, total about 110 items, many addressed to Switzerland.
Lot #268 - europe Belgium
1870/1975: Belgium accumulation of postal stationery and other items including many "Depot Relais" postmarks, principally from the post WWI period. Futhermore a significant quantity of heavily duplicated pre 1900 postcards, letter-cards and stationery envelopes.
Lot #269 - europe Bulgaria
First Balkan War 1912/13: Collection well written up on leaves with covers/cards (25) including mail from the preparations prior to War being declared against Turkey on October 18, 1912 with Censor markings of Korten in manuscript, cachets of Military units and Ministry of War, two rare covers from a Foreign Volunteer unit (who could not legally join the Bulgarian Army) with "Macedonian Adrianople Legion, Veles Batallion, 4th Company" cachets...
Lot #270 - europe Bulgaria
Balkan Wars 1912/13: Prisoner of War Mail, covers/cards (3) with Jan. 1913 cover from Grand Hotel Boulevard, Sofia with circular violet "Administration of the Sophia Regional Command" and manuscript "Libre de Taxe / Prisonnier de Guerre / Commandant of the Sophia Command" in red ink; 1913 Bulgarian 10 st. red postal card to Stamboul (May 12) cancelled at Stara Zagora with blue unit cachet "Staff of HQ Section / Stara Zagora" in blue and...
Lot #271 - europe Bulgaria
Balkan Wars 1912/13: Red Cross mail. The Collection well written up on leaves with covers/cards (8) including Turkish 20 pa. card from Stamboul (Jan. 1913) to British Red Cross in Sofia, Great Britain cover at 2½ d. rate to Philippopolis to Nurse Sharpin at the Military Hospital with Bulgarian notation "Stage (rear-area) Hospital", May 1913 card from Dedeagatch with "Iambol Evacuation Hospital" Red Cross cachet, Bulgarian card with "Red Cross...
Lot #272 - europe Bulgaria
Balkan Wars 1912/13: Collection well written up on leaves with covers/cards (40) showing the Bulgarian and Serbian occupation of Eastern Thrace and the Chatalja Front with many cancelled items utilising the Lion within Circle Military unit cachets, including cover written on captured Ottoman Telegraph form, usages from Chorlu (4), April 1913 cover from Keshan, May 1913 card from Rodosto using Ottoman cds, mail from IMRO (foreign soldier's)...
Lot #273 - europe Bulgaria
1912/1915: Exhibition collection Balkan Wars, containg over eighty entires, highlighting Bulgarian mails and the changes to territories during the Wars, mail usages, telegrams and rare postmarks, pertinent to the wars. The collection contains a number of unusual items so a registered fieldpost letter franked only for the registration fee, a postal money order from Silistra to Schumen and a wealth of relevant material. Great study to be...
Lot #274 - europe Bulgaria
Second Balkan War 1913 (July-Sept.)/1914: Romanian Forces and Occupation of Bulgaria, the collection on leaves (31 items) with remarkable stampless cover from 6th Detachment with violet negative seal cachets (2) 6th Principal Rear Detachment cds (July 20, 1913) and Posts & Telegraphs cachet all in violet addressed to Silistria, Aug. 1913 Armata concession card to Army HQ in Pleven cancelled "Somovit-Pleven Railroad Post Office" in red (...
Lot #275 - europe Bulgaria
First & Second Balkan Wars 1912/13: Collection well written up on leaves with covers/cards (62) showing the Bulgarian and Serbian occupation of Thrace including Bulgarian P.O. in Salonika with card and a May 1914 5 st. green Money Order form additionally franked 15 st. to Bulgarian occupied Cavalla, Occupation of Thrace with range of covers/cards from Cherkez Khoi, Dedeagatch (1), Demirtache (using Ottoman datestamp), Dimotika (3, incl....
Lot #276 - europe Croatia
1991: 2.2 din multicoloured, complete imperforate proof sheet of 25 with silver and white squared margins, which are different on the issued stamps. Certificate Berislav Pervan.
Lot #277 - europe Croatia
1991/1992: 2.2 din multicoloured, seven complete sheets of 25 with proof perforations not separating the decorative squares to the bottom right, which have been perfed through on the issued sheets. Each with certificate Berislav Pervan. For reference the issued sheets are also included. A modern rarity of Croatia, thought to be the only complete series in existence.
Lot #278 - europe Czechoslovakia
1919: Airmail stamps 1k 50h violet, 2k 50h ochre and 4k grey all with additional three line overprint, three fresh copies with full og. bearing multiple signatures, including Gilbert, Karasek, Mikulski. The stamps come with a certificate Pytlicek (1991). A very rare and desirable set. Mi = €1'070.
Lot #279 - europe Czechoslovakia
1919: 70f brown on greenish paper with three line overprint, a fresh copy with full og. bearing multiple signatures, including Mahr BPP, Karasek, Leseticky. The stamp comes with a certificate Pytlicek (1991). A very rare and desirable stamp. Mi = €2'200.
Lot #280 - europe Czechoslovakia
1918/1960: Enormous collection in nineteen self-designed volumes, containing an immense wealth of material from all aspects of Czech philately. The Hradschin issue alone takes up a complete, well filled album with marginals, blocks and covers in quanitity. The overprint provisionals comprise two unused 10 Kr violet of different shades both on ordinary paper with a number of expertiser's marks including Gilbert and Lesitiki. The airmail...
Lot #281 - europe Denmark
1852: Thiele printing 2 rbs. blue, Plate I, Type 2 (pointed foot of 2), position 54; a fine used example with large to very large margins all round, cancelled by three ring "1" of "Copenhagen" in black well clear of foot of "2", tiny closed split in margin well outside the image, fine and rare. Signature Dr. Debo BPP and certificate Kaiser 'einwandfrei' (1982). Facit = Skr. 14'000.
Lot #282 - europe Denmark
1851: 2 Sk. blue, FERSLEWS print, printing plate II, type 9, field 47, burelage declining and downwards, very wide margins copy on local footpost letter cancelled by single strike of numeral canceller "1" of COPENHAGEN. The Footpost cachet is dated 17/6 53. A quite simply superb letter to grace any collection.
Lot #283 - europe Denmark
1852: Thiele printing 2 rbs. blue, Plate II, Type 7, position 85; a very fine used example with large margins all round, tied to attractive 1854 local cover by three ring "1" of "Copenhagen" in black, with Footpost (19/10) date stamp in blue-green alongside. The letter is very fresh, with full printed contents dealing with Coffee exports from Brazil. Fine and rare. Certificate Witschi (2000). Facit = Skr. 18'000.
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More