PPC "Salonique/Pecheurs reparant leurs filets" (Baudiniere,Paris/21). Canc. "AVIATON FRANCAISE*DE LARMEE SERBE*PARC SECTEUR".
Postal & Live Internet Auction 717 General Philatelic Auction
By: A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos Postal & Live Internet Auction 717 General Philatelic Auction
Postal & Live Internet Auction 717
General Philatelic Auction
10-Jun-2023 10:30:00
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Lot #813 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1914 money order 100dinars sent from the Serbian Lim Div. FPO "ΛNMCKE.bPNΓΛDE/1.7.15" to Valievo, Drina Div HQ with very rare Military Administrator of Drina Div. Ref. No. 6668 hand stamp.
Lot #814 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
PS card from Serbia canc."K.u.K.ETAPPENPOSTAMT-BOGATIC*31-VII-17",trans.Vienna (triangular censor.cachet "GEMEINSAMES ZENTR.NACHW.BURO-ZENSUR ABTEILUNG*WIEN" & signature),arr.2-line "NEZOIDER/27.9.917" (Slovakia).Addressee Serbian prisoner of war.
Lot #815 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
PPC "Salonica.Saint-Sophia Church" grey-black,animated (Deley) (franchise) with cachet "ESCADRILLE C*LE CHEF DESCADRILLE" & indication "Aviation France dOrient" canc.French military "T & P*501*17-12-17" to Paris.
Lot #816 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1918 French military PS posted from Serbian 1st Army FPO "bP.111/15.1.18" to HQ FPO "bP.999/18.1.18" with type IV "(11)" censormark.
Lot #817 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
Regist.cover fr.5c.+10c.Semeuse+50c.Merson canc.French military "T.& P.*504*29-5-18",arr."LAUSANNE*23-6-18".Serbian censor.cachets "Π.Β.U.(2)" on the cover & on the enclosed letter,arr."CROISETTES*24-VI-18" (Switzerland).Rate 65c.=40c.for 2nd weight+25c.for Registr.
Lot #818 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
PPC "BIZERTE-Boulevard de la Plage-Remise de decorations" with type XII "C" Serbian censormark in violet.
Lot #819 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1918 French military PS posted from Serbian 2nd Army FPO "bP.222/-2.9.18" to Shumadska Div. FPO "bP.801/-3.9.18" with type V "(99)" censormark in violet.
Lot #820 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1917 French military PS posted from a Serbian aviator of the Serb aeronaytical service with double lined "ARMEE SERBE/SERVICE AERONAUTIQUE" and double circle "SERVICE AERONAUTIQUE DE LARMEE SERBE-Le Cheff de Service" cachet. Without any postmarks.
Lot #821 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1917 Money order receipt sent from Serbian HQ at Salonica with rare money order "bP.999 POSHT UPUTNITSA/-4.3.17" postmark.
Lot #822 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1917 PPC "ALGERIE-Types Indigenes" posted from Bizerte to France with "BIZERTE TUNISIE/20-4 17" postmark and type X Serbian censormark.
Lot #823 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1917 rare card sent from a Serb soldier of 3rd Reserve Call Up, Danube Reg. (FPO XII) to Jausier, France with very rare "bP.XII/23.5.17", transit 1st army "bP.111/25.5.17" and transit HQ FPO "bP.999/28.5.17" postmarks and typeIV "(10)" censormark.
Lot #824 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1917 cover posted from a Serb soldier of Timok Div. to Geneve (Serbian Red Cross) via Marseille, with "bP.711/21.4.17" and typeIV "25" censormark fr. with 2x10c (total 20c) French stamps canc. by Marseille "304" censormark and "GENEVE/12 VI 17".Arrival "GENEVE/12 VI 1917" postmark.
Lot #825 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1917 cover posted from a Serb soldier of Timok Div. to Geneve (Serbian Red Cross) via Marseille, with HQ FPO "bP.999/12.5.17", typeIV "25" censormark fr. with 2x10c French stamps canc. at Geneva. Arrival "GENEVE/13 VI 1917".
Lot #826 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1917 PPC "ALGER-LE Boulevard de France et la Casbah" posted from Alger to a Serb soldier at Salonica, with departure "ALGER/27-6 17", arrival Salonica Serbian HQ FPO "bP.999/-5.7.17" postmarks and type V "(33)" censormark.
Lot #827 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1917 cover posted from Salonica to Grenoble with "TRESOR ET POSTES 504/9-7 17" postmark, and double circle "1st SECTEUR AERONAUTIQUE 1st ARMEE SERBE LE COMMANDANT" cachet.
Lot #828 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1917 postal money order receipt with rare money order "bP.99 POSHT UPUTNITSA/2-9.17" assigned to Serbian HQ at Salonica.
Lot #829 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1917 registered cover posted by a Serbian soldier at Salonica to Switzerland, fr. 50c French Merson stamp canc. "TRESOR ET POSTES 504/7-10 17" and censored by Serbian type V "(90)" censormark.
Lot #830 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1917 cover sent to a Serbian soldier of 1st army with 3rd Call Up FPO "bP.XX/-8.12.17", transit HQ FPO "bP.999/11.12.17", arrival 1st army FPO "bP.111/12.12.17" postmarks and tytpe V "(65)" censormark.
Lot #831 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1918 rare not postaly used Serbian Red Cross Agency based at Geneva used to locate missing or displaces Serbian POWs.
Lot #832 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1918 postcard sent from Serbian 3rd Call Up Timok Div. Reserve FPO "bP.XX" to Corfu, with transit HQ FPO "bP.999/15.1.18", arrival to Corfu Ministerial PO "20.1.-918" and type V "(65)" censormark.
Lot #833 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1918 Serbian money order 20 drachmas receipt with very rare Vardar Div. FPO "bP.216 POSHT UPUTNITSA/" money order postmark.
Lot #834 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1918 extremely rare Serbian money order 10 drachmas receipt with probably unique Danube Div. FPO "bP.414 POSHT UPUTNITSA/-1.4.18" money order postmark.
Lot #835 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1918 cover sent to Basel with transit Serbian HQ FPO "bP.999/21.4.18" and "bP.999/1.5.18" fr. with 25c Sower French stamp, canc. by "TRESOR ET POSTES/15-5 18". Opened and re-sealed by French military "CONTROL Par LAUTORITE MILITAIRE/4" and Serbian type XI "10" censormark. Arrival "BASEL/13.VI.18".
Lot #836 - - MILITARY CANCELLATIONS Serbian military post-offices
1919 Serbian money order 86.48 French francs receipt sent to Courthouse in Banja Luka, with very rare 17 Inf. Reg. FPO "bP.68/17.9.19" regular postmark.
A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos are experienced auctioneers of Philatelic, Numismatic and Post Card. We are specialists in the stamps and postal history of Greece, Greek Errors, New Greek Territories, Levant,... Read More
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