JALIL Guillermo & GOTTIG José Luis: Specialized Catalogue of Postage Stamps and Postal History of Argentina (2018/2019 edition), 2 volumes, hardbound, 728 pages. Free downloadable updates will be available for later issues. It includes ALL the Argentina stamps issued up until late 2018, with errors, varieties in perforations, papers, watermarks, etc., with photographs of catalogued varieties, and explanations to help the readers identify...
Auction # 2436 ARGENTINA: Special September auction - part 2
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2436 ARGENTINA: Special September auction - part 2
Outstanding selection of rare, significant and scarce material, from classics to modern, also a lot of postal history, and much more!! As our clients know, looking through this sale you will find rarities that are almost impossible to find on the market, all with very low and attractive prices!
Sale Terms
Lot #2 - Argentina books
"Joyas Filatélicas de la República Argentina 1862-1867", 337 pages, fantastic book recently published, author Pablo Reim, editor Guillermo Jalil. Excellent work with illustrations in full color of the great pieces and letters of the "Escuditos" and "Rivadavias" issues. It also includes other very interesting chapters: Pre-stamp mail postal marks, cancels applied on classic issues, and a short but attractive introduction to Argentine...
Lot #3 - Argentina BARQUITO
GJ.6, TRES Ps green, used with "ponchito" cancel very well applied, fresh, a beautiful example!
Lot #4 - Argentina barquitos
GJ.9A, 4rs. chocolate, oily impression, 4 margins (with one blunt corner), with the rare blue ponchito cancel of San Nicolás, very nice, low start!
Lot #5 - Argentina BARQUITO
GJ.11B, IM Ps in the rare SLATE BLUE color, mint, large margins, with small thin on back in the hinge area (almost insignificant given the striking beauty of its front), very fresh, rare!
Lot #6 - Argentina CABECITA
GJ.16, 4 Reales green, immense margins, handsome example of very fine quality!
Lot #7 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.16, 4R. green, with light strike of double ogive cancel of STAGECOACH MAIL of Luis Sauce in blue, very fine quality, rare!
Lot #8 - Argentina CABECITA
GJ.17, 1P. dark blue, huge margins, superb example!
Lot #9 - Argentina cabecitas
GJ.17A, 1P. in the rare MILKY BLUE color, wide margins, mint, with variety "lower frame line interrupted", very fine quality!
Lot #10 - Argentina CABECITA
GJ.21, 1P. rose, very wide margins, on fragment, used with dotted cancel, superb!
Lot #11 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.1, Un Real blue, type 7, pen cancelled, excellent quality!
Lot #12 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.2, 1860 provisional stamp with stroke through the value, type 3, tiny and almost invisible defect on back (only mentioned for the sake of accuracy), very nice!
Lot #13 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.5a, bluish green, type 1, with COMPLETE DOUBLE IMPRESSION, used with large arch "CORRIENTES" cancel (+50%), extremely rare and fantastic!
Lot #14 - Argentina corrientes
GJ.11, lilac-rose, pair formed by types 7 and 8, the left stamp with variety "left frame interrupted", used in Corrientes, very fresh!
Lot #15 - Argentina córdoba
GJ.1, 5c. blue, mint with original gum, very fine quality!
Lot #16 - Argentina confederation
GJ.1, example with very wide margins, used in Córdoba, VF quality!
Lot #17 - Argentina confederation
GJ.1, with 4 complete and ample margins, cancel of Rosario, very fine quality, with small guarantee mark of Toso (great collector from 1940s!)
Lot #18 - Argentina confederation
GJ.1, 4 examples with cancels of Salta, Catamarca, La Rioja and Córdoba, a couple with small thins on back, all with very good fronts and genuine, signed by Alberto Solari, good opportunity!
Lot #19 - Argentina confederation
GJ.1, franking a folded cover sent to Paraná on 8/JUN/1861, with double ogive FRANCA cancel along rimless datestamp of SANTA FE, both very well applied, with Alberto Solari certificate.
Lot #20 - Argentina confederation
GJ.3A, 15c. PLATE B, dark blue, extremely rare used example with uncertain cancel (it looks genuine, but Solari has some doubts!) and for that reason it is offered at a very low start. It has a small thin on back, its front is excellent, good opportunity! (The catalog value is US$200 mint or US$500 used)
Lot #21 - Argentina ESCUDITO
GJ.8, 10c. yellow-green, mint, with 4 complete margins, very fresh, very fine quality!
Lot #22 - Argentina ESCUDITO
GJ.9, 15c. greenish light blue, mint, wide margins, with small thins on back, excellent front!
Lot #23 - Argentina escuditos
GJ.10, 5c. rose, mint original gum (+50%), very fine quality!
Lot #24 - Argentina escuditos
GJ.10, 5c. rose, very clear impression, wide margins, with ellipse "SAN JUAN - FRANCA" cancel, superb!
Lot #25 - Argentina escuditos
GJ.10, 5c. rose, with fan TUCUMÁN cancel, very nice!