EVENTEL S.A.: 13 Used covers with marks of this Post, VF quality
Auction # 2437 ARGENTINA: Spectacular auction with material from all periods, including many rarities!
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2437 ARGENTINA: Spectacular auction with material from all periods, including many rarities!
Selection of very interesting lots for all types of collectors, dealers and investors, including from classic to modern issues, with many rarities, varieties, proofs and essays, postal history and much more!
Sale Terms
Lot #952 - Argentina private posts
FAST MAIL: 23 Covers used circa between 1995 and 1999, with marks of this Post, VF general quality
Lot #953 - Argentina private posts
GENERAL MAIL: 4 Used covers with marks of this Post, VF quality
Lot #954 - Argentina private posts
HOLDING COURRIER: Used cover with marks of this Post, minor defects
Lot #955 - Argentina private posts
INTERDOC S.A.: 7 Used covers with marks of this Post, VF quality
Lot #956 - Argentina private posts
JET PAQ: 2 Covers used in 1998, with marks of this Post, VF quality
Lot #957 - Argentina private posts
LA POSTAL: 6 Covers used between 1997 and 1998, with marks of this Post, VF general quality
Lot #958 - Argentina private posts
LECSAN POSTAL: 2 used covers with marks of this Post, VF quality
Lot #959 - Argentina private posts
M POST: 10 Covers used between 1998 and 1999 with marks of this company, VF quality
Lot #960 - Argentina private posts
MAIA POSTAL: Cover used on 8/AU/1995, with marks of this Post, VF quality
Lot #961 - Argentina private posts
MAIL CENTER & MAIL SERVICE: 4 Used covers with marks of these companies, VF quality
Lot #962 - Argentina private posts
MAIL CORP: 54 Used covers with marks of this Post, VF general quality
Lot #963 - Argentina private posts
MAIL BOX: 2 used covers with marks of this Post, VF quality
Lot #964 - Argentina private posts
MAIL CENTER: Used cover with marks of this Post, VF quality
Lot #965 - Argentina private posts
MD: 10 Used covers with marks of this Post, VF general quality
Lot #966 - Argentina private posts
MEGACOR: 3 Used covers with marks of this Post, VF quality
Lot #967 - Argentina private posts
MOTO PALERMO: Used cover with mark of this company, VF quality
Lot #968 - Argentina private posts
MOTO SPEED: Used cover with mark of this company, VF quality
Lot #969 - Argentina private posts
NEW CODE: 5 Covers used between circa 1995 and 1996 with marks of this Post, VF quality
Lot #970 - Argentina private posts
NEW MAIL: 7 Used covers with marks of this Post, VF quality
Lot #971 - Argentina private posts
NEXO: 8 used covers with marks of this Post, VF general quality
Lot #972 - Argentina private posts
NEXO: 23 used covers with marks of this Post, VF general quality
Lot #973 - Argentina private posts
NEXO: 31 used covers with marks of this Post, VF general quality
Lot #974 - Argentina private posts
OCA: 6 Used covers with marks of this Post, VF quality
Lot #975 - Argentina private posts
OCA: 80 Used covers with marks and labels of this Post, VF quality