Netherlands Indies: Zee en land transport: in het postverkeer met het vml, Nederlands-Indie. 30 pg monograph inc illustrations & map.
Estimate A$20
Status International - Sale 392
By: Status International
Status International Status International - Sale 392
Status International - Sale 392, October 17th, 2024.
Auction 392 has 9,108 lots, catering for all types of collectors & dealers - from bulk accumulations and intact collections to desirable single items. This auction offers a huge range of material, with special emphasis on lotting stamps to cater for collectors with varying types of interests and budgets. Items range from $10 to $70,000 so there's something for everybody. This auction offers strong representation of Australia & Colonies, strong British Empire material of all areas & periods, as well as General Foreign including small and large collections.. There is almost 3,200 lots of Australia which consist of collections, singles, sets and covers including Australian colonies. The Australian lots cover all periods, from the Kangaroo issues up to Decimal and contains numerous number of mint & used £1 & £2 top values. This auction includes a First Watermark £2 Black & rose, left gutter marginal. VF fresh MUH, pristine never hinged original gum & beautiful deep colours. SG 16 cat £6500 for M, while 1st wmk should be at least triple £19,500 MUH. ACSC 55 cat $35,000. Great rarity in genuine MUH condition.(Lot 1258). There are almost 5,600 lots of World stamps, covers and single country collections. Numerous other British Empire, European, The Americas and Asia.
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Lot #252 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Lot #253 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
New Guinea/Papua Library (12) inc Postmarks of BNG & Papua to 1942 (H Croaker) pub Hawthorn Press 1956 Papua AIRMAIL overprint variety 1929-30 (R Kelly) pub 2011. Papua Airmail opts of 1930 - the 1/- Harrison 'Inverted Aeroplane opt (R Kelly) pub 2013. BNG & Papua (Fred Melville, circa 1910). BNG Papua-Postal Defs 1888-1945 (150 pgs, pub 1993) 'The Anglican Church in Papua 1942-1945 (J A Jennings) 2 vol set. Post Office Registration...
Lot #254 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
New Guinea: Through New Guinea and the other Cannibal Countries by Capt Webster, 387 pgs inc illustrations/photographs. VGC, 1st Edition, pub London 1898. Papua The Official Handbook of Papua, 5th Edition, 1938. Front cover tatty, light tropicalisation to pgs. The 1st book rare, currently offered on the internet $400-$650.
Estimate A$250
Lot #255 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
New Guinea: Six-Legged Snakes in New Guinea; A Collecting Expedition to Two Unexplored Islands. By E Cheesman F.R.E.S. Advance (A5 size). Proof copy, pub 1949 London. G/VG condition.
Estimate A$70
Lot #256 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
New Zealand: Frank Collectibles with Royal, Vice-Regal, Ministerial & Parliamentary 'Free Postage' Franking. By Startup, 79 pgs with illustrations throughout, pub PHSNZ, 1994. Near new.
Estimate A$40
Lot #258 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
New Zealand: The Postage Stamps of? Vols 1-4. Vol 1 (1938) inc QV Chalons & Sidefaces, plus 1899 Pictorials. Vol 2 inc 1936 Pics & 1940 Centenary, plus set of 6 Die Proofs still attached. Vol 3 'Postal History & Cancellations'. Vol 4 (1955) inc updates to the previous 3 vols. Covers not pretty but contents mostly F-VF. Essential reference group. With Vol I being Rare. (4)
Estimate A$400
Lot #259 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
New Zealand: The Postage Stamps of, Vol 6, pub RPSNZ 1973, 438pgs with additional information to complement earlier volumes inc extra details on QV Chalons, Proofs & the 1960s Pics, plus 1967 decimal Pics, early Fiscals, Revenues & postal History re-visited. Some minor foxing. VGC.
Estimate A$100
Lot #260 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
New Zealand: The Postage Stamps of, Vol 2 edited by Collins & Watts, 1949. 410pgs inc The Chalons, 1936 Pics, 1940 Centennial, Officials, Postal Fiscals etc. Minor foxing to end papers. VF.
Estimate A$75
Lot #261 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Nigeria: The Travelling POs 1903-1939 By J Ince. 31 pg Monograph & illustrated throughout. Pub WASC. Near new condition.
Estimate A$25
Lot #262 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Niue: The Decimal Currency Arms Types Stamps of Niue Island & Tokelau. Seven page monograph by AR Burge, pub mid-19670s. VGC.
Estimate A$15
Lot #263 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Norway: 1947 Catalogue of the Postage Stamps of Norway, 61pgs. 1st English Edition by R King-Farlow. Pub by Oslo Filatelistklubb, March 1948. Contents clean, coves showing their age, G/VG condition.
Estimate A$25
Lot #264 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Pacific Islands, The Stamps of the ? (Vol 1) by Collins. 103pgs, pub ca 1925. Semi-specialised work inc Postal Cancellations. Cover stain UL cnr o/w VGC. Estimated retail $100.
Estimate A$60
Lot #265 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Papua: The Outside Man (Jack Hides of Papua) by James Sinclair. Non-philatelic biography of Jack Hides, 1930s Field Officer & Explorer. Hardcover with original DJ, 270 pgs, pub 1969.
Estimate A$40
Lot #266 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Papua: A New Deal for Papua by Cranswick & Shevill (non philatelic). 159 A4 size pgs, pub F W Cheshire 1949. G-VG condition inc dj.
Estimate A$20
Lot #267 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Papua: 'British New Guinea & Papua Postal Acts 1888-1945' by Bird, Collyer & Sparks. 150pgs, pub mid-1990s. Near new.
Estimate A$60
Lot #268 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Papua: Great heart of Papua (James-Chalmers). By W P Nairne. An historical biography of an early missionary, pub 1913 OUP, London.
Estimate A$100
Lot #269 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Papua - Stamps of Papua by AA Rosenblum, 55 pgs, pub 1967? Extensive list of approx 1000 constant varieties on the Lakatoi stamps. VGC.
Estimate A$60
Lot #270 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Paper Ambassadors - The Politics of Stamps by D Altman. 150pgs & illustrated throughout. Pub 1991 A&R, Australia. Near new inc DJ.
Estimate A$30
Lot #271 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Papua New Guinea: Decimal Stamps 1966-82 by Bently, 80 pgs, illustrated throughout. Franking guide to the stamps of PNG, 152 pgs, 8 colour plates, pub 1970. F-VF. (2)
Estimate A$20
Lot #272 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Papua New Guinea: Franklin's Guide to the Stamps of, 152pg, 8 colour plates, pub 1970. PNG Decimal Stamps 1966-82 by Bently, 80pgs with illustrations, PNG stamps 1971-76 by Lingerd. Odd minor tropical spots. Generally VG- excellent condition. (3).
Estimate A$25
Lot #273 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Papua New Guinea: Papuan Philatelic Society Journals (30) Jan 2000 - Jan 2006. Postal History of PNG 1945-1970, Vol 1 POs & Postmarks, approx 100 unnumbered pgs (pub 1971), illustrated throughout. Franklins Guide to the Stamps of PNG (1970), PNG Decimal Stamps 1966-82 (pub 1982), plus assorted ephemera relating to pmks & postal history. Large box.
Estimate A$50
Lot #274 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Paquebot & Ship Letter Cancellations of the World 1894-1951 by M A Studd. 85pgs, pub 1953 by Robson Lowe & illustrated throughout. Some light foxing, VGC.
Estimate A$50
Lot #275 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Poland 2023 SG Specialised Catalogue with 210 colour pgs inc Occupations, Military Post, Central Lithuania, Polish PO Abroad, Allenstein, Danzig, Marienwerder & Upper Silesia. New condition. Retail £25+ plus shipping.
Estimate A$60
Lot #276 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Portugal & Colonies: SG Catalogue (current 2022 edition) with 277 pgs inc Azores, Madeira plus Colonies inc Macau, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Portuguese, India & Timor. New.
Estimate A$80
Lot #277 - accumulations CATALOGUES & LITERATURE
Postmarks, cards & covers. Collecting Postal History. By Prince Kandaouroff, 188 pgs & illustrated throughout, pub 1973. VGC inc original dj.
Estimate A$40
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More