1901/35ca: Lot hundreds stamps unused / unmounted og. on stockcards, from the Vittorio Emanuele III period with definitive and commemorative issues, often in multitude, partially in multiples incl. 1913 Cinquentennario ovpt., 1921 Dante, 1923 Propaganda Fide, 1923 VEIII 2 l. in a block of 18, 1924 Anno Santo, 1926 S. Francesco, 1929 Montecassino, also Airmail stamps 1917 overprinted, , 1926/28 up to 5 l., 1932 Dante, 1933 Zeppelin, 1934 Roma...
Auction 333-341 Europe & Overseas - Day 5
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 333-341 Europe & Overseas - Day 5
Friday 22 November 2024
11:00 h 1 – 785 333: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America) - South & Central America – The Brian Moorhouse Estate
18:00 h 10001 – 10131 345: Brazil 1843–1870 – The Fritz Heimbüchler Collection (part II)
Monday 25 November 2024
9:00 h 3001 – 3226 334: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand – The ‚KOOYONG‘ Collection
11:00 h 786 – 1602 333: Europe & Overseas British Commonwealth - North Borneo – The ‘PENMAEN’ Collection
Tuesday 26 November 2024
9:00 h 3501 – 3702 335: Western Australia – The Dr Thomas & Richard Debney Collection
11:00 h 20001 – 20223 346: Great Britain 1840–1841 – The World’s First Postage Stamps – The Simon Beresford-Wylie Collection (part II)
13:00 h 4001 – 4278 336: Great Britain
- “Victorian Mixed Franking Covers” – The Ray Simpson Collection
- “Experimental Machine Postmarks 1857–1901” – The Jerry Miller Collection
- “Missed Opportunities From 1840–1870 Line Engraved Issues” – The Åke Rietz Collection 15:30 h 4501 – 4963 337: Great Britain & British Commonwealth – Missed Opportunities and Balance of the ‘BESANÇON’ Collection
Wednesday 27 November 2024
9:00 h 5001 – 5274 338: Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan – The Peter Hørlyck Collection (part I)
11:30 h 5501 – 5943 339: Worldwide Postal History – The Enzo Carnio Collection (part II)
16:00 h 6001 – 6210 340: Incoming Mail to The Netherlands From All Over the World – The Bouwe Brandsma Collection
Thursday 28 November 2024
9:00 h 1603 – 1713 333: Europe & Overseas - St. Helena – The Frank Gilberg Collection
10:00 h 6501 – 6711 341: Ionian Islands – The André Bollen Collection
12:00 h 7001 – 7122 342: Foreign Post Offices in the Levant – The ‘SAWAYA’ Collection (part I)
13:00 h 7501 – 7549 334: Italian States, Kingdom & Republic – The ‘KOOYONG’ Collection
13:30 h 1714 – 2401 333: Europe & Overseas Europe A–O
- Zeppelin – Pionierpost – Die Sammlung Eckhard Förster (Teil I)
- Finland – “Finnish Pre-Stamp Covers; Feldpost; Collection From the Period of Russian Rule over Finland; Finnish Railway TPO Covers” – The Eric Keefe Collections
Friday 29 November 2024
9:00 h 2402 - 2991 333: Europe & Overseas Europe P–Z - Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part III) Asia / Africa Collections & Accumulations
14:00 h 9001 – 9369 344: Schweiz & Liechtenstein Schweiz ab 1907, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein
- Nationale Gross-Gold-Sammlung Technik und Landschaft 1949–60
17:00 h 9370 – 9599 344: Schweiz Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Saturday 30 November 2024
10:00 h 8001 – 8058 343: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil III)
11:00 h 8101 8119 334: Schweiz – Die Sammlung ‚KOOYONG‘
11:15 h 8201 – 8509 344: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie, Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayon I dunkelblau, Rayon II
14:30 h 8510 – 8713 344: Altschweiz Rayon I hellblau, Rayon III, Strubel, Sitzende und Stehende Helvetia, Ziffer, UP
Sale Terms
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Lot #2229 - italien
Expres stamps 1910/42: Selection 31 covers / postcards, primarily within Italy, some abroad, most showing combined franking of expres stamps and adhesives, one with additonal Posta Pneumatica adhesive, an interesting group, including also unused Expres stamp & multiple, respectively. Two certificates.
Lot #2230 - italien
1618/1949: Group of covers / cards (73) with much of interest incl. a 1694 incoming cover from Portugal, further pre-stamp covers or entires, Sardinia used in Savoie cover from Aix Les Bains, Italian Colonies covers from Eritrea and Somalia, Ship Mail etc. Viewing recommended.
Lot #2231 - italien
1863/1950: Covers / cards (49), all addressed to Switzerland incl. Levant 1914 20 pa. stationery card cancelled "Gerusalemme" cds, some Colonies covers, AR covers, Express and Advertising covers, Lake Mail, Postage Due, 1949 Vatican UPU set on two registered covers etc.
Lot #2232 - italien Briefe Posten
1840/1950ca: Lot hundreds covers from different Italian areas starting with a large group of prephilatelic & stampless covers from different States with strong emphasis on Napoli and Sicily showing oval despatch cds's in black or red, few covers from the Papal States, Tuscany, and Lombardo-Veneto, Regno with emphasis on VEII & VEIII covers, colonies such as Ethiopia, picture postcards with colonial motifs, fascist propaganda postcards...
Lot #2233 - italien Briefe Posten
1910/1955ca.: Accumulation of approximately 800 entires of which a large part relates to the Italian occupations of the Adriatic coastal areas in Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Fiume and Albania and also including stationary postcards with advertisements and numerous covers and cards from the colonies the occupied areas and Trieste. It also features a significant amount of military mail. A true treasure trove for collectors.
Lot #2234 - italien ansichtskarten
1895/1940 (ca.): Accumulation of approx. 450 mostly topographical picture postcards including twelve often early lithographed cards, photographic cards wiht many interesting rural views, charming street scenes, attractive moonshine-cards and more political motives such as a series of ten views from the italo-turkish war (1912) or an allegoric card "Lo stellone d'Italia brilla su Tripoli" (1922). Good generl condition.
Lot #2235 - vatikanstaat
1958 (Jan.): Cupola de la Basilica di S. Pietro, 500 l. green with the rare perforation 14 ' a pettine', unmounted og. Cert. Cilio (2014) Sassone = € 7'000.
Lot #2236 - vatikanstaat
1958 (Jan.): Cupola de la Basilica di S. Pietro, 500 l. green with the rare perforation 14 ' a pettine', cancelled by clear datestamp. Cert. Cilio (2014) Sassone = € 5'000.
Lot #2237 - vatikanstaat
1935/51: Lot four airmail covers, incl. 1948 'Arcangelo e Tobiolo' 250 L. grey-black block of four used on 1953 registered envelope to New York, 250 L. and 500 L. used on official sheetlets and on a large piece, further 1949 1000 L. green single franking on 1950 registered Express delivery cover to France, 1951 300 L lilac brown vert. pair used on 1952 registered cover to USA as well as 1935 'Congresso Giuridico' compl. set franking on R-...
Lot #2238 - lettland vorphilatelie
1800/60ca: Lot 70 prephilatelic covers from the Riga and Mitava gubernii incl. four 1761/68 covers sent from Riga to Pernau / Pärnu prior to the introduction of handstamps, RIGA with first straight line handstamps, also a late 1825 use on cover to London, later framed and circular datestamps in multitude, Polutsheno - arrival handstamps too, WENDEN, BOLDERAA with different datestamp types, WOLMAR with Polutsheno arrival handstamps, LIBAVA, "...
Lot #2239 - lettland ganzsachen
1875/1918ca: Lot 150 postal stationery cards and envelopes / some covers and cards from Latvia under Russian rule, primarily from Riga but also some other offices and sent with Russia but also to some better destinations such as Denmark or Belgium, incl. also 1877 postcard with horse carriage station office cancellation, registered mail, 1892 stationery envelope with add. Wenden local stamp sent from Stockmanshof to Dorpat, railway mail from...
Lot #2240 - luxemburg
1865: Rouletted 12½ c. rose, a single example used on 1871 cover to Coblenz, neatly tied by GRIEVENMACHER circular datestamp (Jan 24) with information strike below and framed "PD" in black, reverse with arrival cds of the following day. Signed A. Bolaffi.
Lot #2241 - luxemburg Gedenkblocks
1921/49: Selection seven unused miniature and souvenir sheets, incl. 1921 Charlotte miniature sheet with five 15 c. camine stamps, 1923 Luxembourg view souvenir sheet as well as five other block issues.
Lot #2242 - monténégro ganzsachen
1893/96: Group of covers / wrappers / postal stationery envelopes (9) with diverse frankings incl. five items registered from Cetinje, Rieka or Podgoritza, destinations including Cattaro, Gmunden, Neusatz, Trieste, Vienna and Zara; some wear but an interesting lot.
Lot #2243 - niederlande
1846 (July/August): "Koper" Postage Due labels (2), each used on cover from Amsterdam to Samarang, Java, with manuscript "2.16" due, both with good margins all round, with one dated "11 July 1846' and the other of 13 August 1846, both uncancelled as is the normal with blue "P.P." Paid at Port and Amsterdam datestamps alongside, first with faint Singapore transit mark in black on reverse, signed Holcombe. Some acid ink erosion, otherwise fine...
Lot #2244 - niederlande
1864: 15 c. orange, two entire letters from same correspondence to Bordeaux; each bearing a fine horizontal pair used on 1866 entire letters from Maastricht, each neatly tied by "FRANCO" handstamps in black, each with red despatch cds at right (July 16 and Aug 4), Erquelines transits in blue and reverse with arrival cds. Choice and very fine pair. Signed G. Bolaffi (1959), A. Bolaffi.
Lot #2245 - niederlande
1876/2000: Collection hundreds stamps unused / unmounted og., incl. 1893/98 Wilhelmina up to 5 g., 1898 Wilhelmina all four values 1 g. blue-green to 10 g. orange, 1913 Independence up to 10 g., 1920 ovpt. definitives both values, 1923 25th anniversary regency up to 5 g., 1926/30 Wilhelmina in both perforations 1 g. blue to 5 g. grey, 1946 Wilhelmina 1 g. grey-blue to 10 g. violet and 1951 Airmail both values. A fine and fresh assembly,...
Lot #2246 - niederländisch-indien Briefe Posten
1944: Fine lot of 16 covers from the Dutch Colonies, including 13 from the Dutch Indies (featuring 7 registered and uprated stationery envelopes; 5 of which are censored, all addressed to Germany). Additionally, the lot contains 2 flight covers from Curaçao and 1 from Surinam.
Lot #2247 - obock ganzsachen
1896: Netherlands Indies 7½ c. rose-red postal stationery card, reply half, used back to the "S.S. Gede" at Batavia, cancelled by "OBOCK / COLONIE FRANCs." cds in black (May 23) with information strike at left, thence via DJIBIUTI with eliptical datestamp (June 4) in blue (on reverse), ADEN (June 5) cds in black, French octagonal Paquebot "MARSEILLE A REUNION / L.V. No. 4" in black (June 5) and squared circle "N.I. AGENT SINGAPORE" (June 22)...
Lot #2248 - norwegen
1855: 4 sk. blue, a superb used example, large margins all round, neatly cancelled by 11 bar grid in blue; scarce thus.
Lot #2249 - österreich vorphilatelie
Galizien 1775: Vollständiger Faltbrief von Lemberg nach Wien, vorders. mit idealem Einkreiser "LEMBERG" mit Adler und Posthorn (Müller 762B = 1'000 Punkte) und Rötel "8" (Kr.) sowie rücks. Ankunftsvermerk vom "20 Mar: 75". Ein wunderbarer Abschlag.
Lot #2250 - österreich vorphilatelie
Galizien 1813/48: Auswahl zwei Dokumente und 19 vorphilatelistische Briefe, dabei 1819 Rezepisse Lemberg nach Wien, 1839 Interims-Schein Brody nach Zloczow, Briefe 1813 KRAKAU Gerichtsbrief nach Lemberg, 1817 Gerichstsbrief STANISLAU nach Lemberg, 1825 DUBIECKO Damenbrief an den bekannten polnischen Schtiftsteller Graf Alexander Fredro, 1826/34 Freie Stadt Krakau mit Stabstp. Cracovie, 1831 Lemberg mit grossem Trockensiegel, 1835/36 Lemberg...
Lot #2251 - österreich vorphilatelie
Postvertrag Österreich - Bayern "Gemeinschaftsgebühr" 1841/49: Interessante Auswahl sieben Briefe, dabei Frankobrief von Hallein (1841), bezw. ein Portobrief von Salzburg (1843), beide der 1. Entfernungsstufen nach Tittmoning mit rotem 'O.B.C.' (Österr. Bayr. Correspondenz), dazu Portobrief von "Lindau 16. Aug. 1843" nach Micheldorf mit rotem 'B.O.C.' (Bayr. Österr. Correspondenz), weiter ein Portobrief von Gran (1847) nach München mit...
Lot #2252 - österreich
Böhmen 1850: 3 Kr. rot Type Ib, farbfr. und voll- bis breitrandig, klar und übergehend entw. mit seltenen, stummen Stempel von BUDWEIS (Müller 360b = 1'500 Punkte) auf Nriefstück. Signiert Krüger; Attest Puschmann (1986).
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More