GJ.12, 5c. without accent, semi-worn plate, ellipse cancel of Gualeguaychú (+75%), small thin on back, VF front!
Auction # 2445 ARGENTINA: Special auction with very low starts and lots for collectors of every level!
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2445 ARGENTINA: Special auction with very low starts and lots for collectors of every level!
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Lot #77 - Argentina escuditos
GJ.13, 10c. without accent, semi-worn plate, OM cancel, with 4 ample margins, the right one shows the guide line, light thin on back, very scarce, superb front
Lot #78 - Argentina escuditos
GJ.14, 5c. without accent, worn plate, used in Rosario, VF quality
Lot #79 - Argentina escuditos
GJ.15A, 5c. narrow C, carmine-rose, on fragment with rimless datestamp of Concepción del Uruguay 10/JUNI/64, VARIETY: "E" of CENTAVOS broken, VF quality
Lot #80 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.19, 5c. 1st or 2nd printing, dull impression, original gum, very scarce, superb!
Lot #81 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.6, 15c. 2nd printing, separated with scissors, good opportunity
Lot #82 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.19, 5c. 1st printing, with almost complete cancel of Concordia in wreathed ellipse, clear impression, excellent quality
Lot #83 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.19, 5c. 1st or 2nd printing, used in Rosario, 2 short margins, the top one stealing part of neighboring stamp
Lot #84 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.19, 5c. 1st or 2nd printing, with datestamp of Rosario 31/MAY/64, excellent quality
Lot #85 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.19, 5c. 1st printing, with double ellipse cancel of San Luis, VARIETY: right line watermark, VF quality
Lot #86 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.19e, 5c. 1st or 2nd printing, on thin paper, with rimless datestamp of Paraná in blue, VF
Lot #87 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.19N, 5c. 1st printing, ABSOLUTELY CLEAR impression, one just margin, low start
Lot #88 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20, 5c. 3rd printing, unused, perfectly perfed, excellent quality, absolutely superb
Lot #89 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20, 5c. 3rd printing, with line watermark below, VF quality
Lot #90 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20, 5c. 3rd printing, with defects, low start
Lot #91 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20, 5c. 3rd printing, orangish dun-red, VF quality
Lot #92 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20, 5c. 3rd printing, very clear impression, franking a folded cover sent from Concordia to Mercedes, the stamp is of excellent quality
Lot #93 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20b, 5c. 3rd printing, dun, UNUSED, with partial double impression, good example
Lot #94 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20g, 5c. 3rd printing, excellent copy used in Rosario in NO/1865, with VARIETY: thin paper (80 microns), superb
Lot #95 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20j, 5c. 3rd printing, very nice mulatto example, with traveling PO cancel to be identified, defects, low start
Lot #96 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20j, 5c. 3rd printing, striking MULATTO example with top line watermark, rococo cancel of Tucumán, excellent
Lot #97 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.20j, 5c. 3rd printing, mulatto, franking an entire letter sent from Concepción del Uruguay to B.Aires, dated 22/JUN/1866, the text is about a bill of exchange of 736, the stamp has some defects, good opportunity
Lot #98 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.23, 10c. clear impression, with reconstructed FRANCA cancel of Goya, without margins, good opportunity
Lot #99 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.22, 15c. striking example in light blue with VERY CLEAR impression, with 2 different cancels to be identified, DOUBLE PERFORATION at top almost overlapping, extremely rare variety in this stamp!
Lot #100 - Argentina rivadavias
GJ.22, 15c. clear impression, tiny thin on back, striking front with very ample margins