Audrey Hepburn 1953 - 2013, superb collection of magazines featuring Audrey Hepburn, cover photos and magazine articles, Finnish and foreign, approx. 125 pcs
Hellman Auction #90
By: Philatelic Service of Finland Ltd
Philatelic Service of Finland Ltd Hellman Auction #90
This time we have again a fine variety of untouched collections from various countries. Following countries are included: Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Brasil, German colonies, Great Britain, Italy, Liechtenstein, Russia and Switzerland. From the thematic collections we can mention "Prophecies of Nostradamus".
The auction includes as always also a lot of worldwide postal history, mainly in intact lots and collections and also as single items. Foreign section has like always a very strong and interesting part of RUSSIA (lots 1259-1914). Many rare items from Imperial Russia, Zemstvo and Soviet Union are offered with very modest starting prices. Among others we offer very rare sheets for the first Russian stationery envelopes, Ex Fabergé and Ex Breitfuss (lots 1421,1422). In this auction the Zemstvo section (lots 1506-1764), St. Petersburg Postmarks (lots 1447-1505),Russia used in Poland (lots 1035-1060) and Imperial Russian Covers (lots 1344-1417) are also extremely strong and worth of carefull study.
We also offer some great rarities of Estonian philately. Estonian local issues from Rakwere we offer extremely rare 1918 35 kop/ 1 kop wrapper cut bot as used single (lot 1965) and used on superb cover (lot 1966). Also 1928 Independence 10 s / 10 Mk Mi 70, IMPERFORATE VERY FINE MINT ** BLOCK OF FOUR, is worth mentioning (lot 1931).
There are also several top items of Finnish philately available in this auction: 22 items of the 1856 Oval issue (2055-2076) with nice and rare covers and singles both 5 and 10 kop. Also very rare unused 10 kopek narrow laid paper is offered. 1860-66 section has also many nice singles, groups and covers. From the 1875-85 issues we can also introduce many interesting items. There is also very wide variety of collections and cover lots untouched from various estates.
The whole variety of the philately of Finland is included with sought after varieties and many remarkable lots and collections. Last but not least we can mention Zeppelin 1830 error ** in a block of four.
We have also a wide offering of non-philatelic items like numismatics, orders and military including interesting items from Finland, Russia and other countries (lots 1-751).
Viewing is arranged at our Premises at Turku, Satakunnantie 31: 9.-13. March from 10:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m, and on Saturday 14th. from 10:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m. Viewing is also possible at auction
place in Helsinki at Hotel Crowne Plaza during 20.-21.3.2015. (Friday 20.3. from 9:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m and on Saturday 21.3.starting at 8:00 a.m)
Upon separate agreement we can arrange private viewing also at our premises in Turku on other times if you or any of your clients have a chance to visit Finland easier outside of normal viewing period. In case of any question, please take contact.
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Lot #177 - Collectibles magazines
Brigitte Bardot 1952 - 2009, superb and large collection of magazines featuring Brigitte Bardot, cover photos and magazine articles, Finnish and foreign, nearly 150 pcs
Lot #178 - Collectibles magazines
Doris Day approx. 40 pcs, Marlene Dietrich approx. 35 pcs, Gina Lollobrigida approx. 24 pcs and Anita Ekberg 6 pcs, 1937 - 2012, magazines featuring these actresses, Finnish and foreign, cover photos and magazine articles, over 100 pcs
Lot #179 - Collectibles magazines
Elizabeth Taylor 1949 - 2013, superb and huge collection of magazines featuring Elizabeth Taylor, cover photos and magazine articles, Finnish and foreign, over 260 pcs
Lot #180 - Collectibles magazines
Grace Kelly 1955 - 2010, superb collection of magazines featuring Grace Kelly, cover photos and magazine articles, Finnish and foreign, nearly 60 pcs
Lot #181 - Collectibles magazines
Ingrid Bergman 1936 - 2011, superb and large collection of magazines featuring Ingrid Bergman, cover photos and magazine articles, Finnish and foreign, over 170 pcs
Lot #182 - Collectibles magazines
Marilyn Monroe 1947 - 2014, superb and large collection of magazines featuring Marilyn Monroe, cover photos and magazine articles, Finnish and foreign, nearly 180 pcs
Lot #183 - Collectibles magazines
Sophia Loren 1951 - 2014, huge and superb collection of magazines featuring Sophia Loren, Finnish and foreign, cover photos and magazine articles, approx. 320 pcs
Lot #184 - Collectibles magazines
1920 Suomen Kuvalehti, incl. reporting on early years of Finnish independence
Lot #185 - Collectibles magazines
1926 I, 1927 I and II and 1928 II Hakkapeliitta, bound volumes
Lot #186 - Collectibles magazines
1929 and 1930 Hakkapeliitta, bound volumes, both volumes in two parts
Lot #187 - Collectibles magazines
1930 Kotiliesi, bound volume incl. cover illustrations by Martta Wendelin
Lot #188 - Collectibles magazines
1931 - 33 Veli Giovanni, Pilajuttuja ja piirroksia, 21 magazines bound into two books
Lot #189 - Collectibles magazines
1931 and 1932 Hakkapeliitta, bound volumes, both volumes in two parts
Lot #190 - Collectibles magazines
1933 and 1940 Hakkapeliitta, bound volumes, both volumes in two parts
Lot #191 - Collectibles magazines
1937 Kotiliesi, bound volume incl. cover illustrations by Martta Wendelin
Lot #192 - Collectibles magazines
1940 Uusi Finland of 13 March when the Winter War ended plus papers of the five preceding days
Lot #193 - Collectibles magazines
1941 Seura volume bound into two books, popular volume whose individual issues have also been later issued as facsimiles
Lot #194 - Collectibles magazines
1942 - 44 Signal, in Finnish and in German, 6 pcs
Lot #195 - Collectibles magazines
1956 - 57 and 1959 - 64 Tekniikan maailma, large box, in binders, also separate issues from early 1950s approx. 30 pcs
Lot #196 - Collectibles magazines
1968 - 81 Nootti, independent magazine, all issues
Lot #199 - Collectibles comics
1954 Aku Ankka, no. 12C, Jouluparaati, good condition
Philatelic Service of Finland Ltd - Hellnan Auctions
Philatelic Service of Finland LTD - Hellman Auctions LTD
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