1885 Mi 8 (Mi EUR 280.-) (1 fog hiány/1 perf. missing)
Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #256
By: Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd.
Darabanth Philatelic and Numismatic Auctions Co., Ltd. Stamps, Coins and Postcards Mail Auction #256
The auction material includes philatelic items with a strong focus on Central Eastern Europe with real rarities but worldwide postal history is equally accented;
Classical Hungarian errors, imperforated issues and worldwide material ie.: Deutsches Reich, Belgium, Romania;
Mixed philatelic auction lots and collections.
There is also an exciting Art and Collectibles section in the auction catalogue including a rich and colourful material with a wide range of decorative items (paintings, graphics, engravings, sculptures, ceramics and chinaware) and an impressive collection of other collectibles;
From rare historical documents, photos, vintage memorabilia (judaica, militaria, scouting, match labels, phone cards, paraphilately etc.) to an extensive material in old books;
A vivid flea market section is waiting for eager vintage treasure hunters.
Prices are in Hungarian Forints.
Lot #6499 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1885 Mi 10 (*Mi EUR 3.600.-)(rövid fogak / short perfs.)
Lot #6500 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1933 Épületek 3 érték híján teljes vágott sor gumi nélküli papíron (így adták ki) /
14 imperforate values ex Mi 120-136 on gumless paper as issued
Lot #6501 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1938 Nemzeti ünnep blokk Mi 1 (apró törések, gumi hiba)
Lot #6502 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1938 Levél Budapestre
Lot #6503 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1946-1949 Repülő vágott párok Mi 317-320+394-396 imperforate pairs (319 enyhe betapadás / gum disturbance)
Lot #6504 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1949 Vöröskereszt fogazott és vágott négyestömb Mi 397-400 A-B
Lot #6505 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1949 UPU vágott sor Mi 401-407
Lot #6506 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1949 75 éves az UPU sor Mi 401-407 2 fogazott blokkformában (401, 403-404 és 402, 405-407)
Lot #6507 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1949-1951 Mi 397-400 + 451-454 vágott összefüggések /
imperforate blocks of 4
Lot #6508 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1949-1951 Mi 397-400 + 451-454 vágott összefüggések /
imperforate blocks of 4
Lot #6509 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1951 Vöröskereszt fogazott és vágott felülnyomott négyestömb Mi 451-454 A-B
Lot #6510 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1955-1995 Rotary motívum 4 db FDC
Lot #6511 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1956 III. Rainier herceg esküvője sor Mi 561-568 2 klf blokkformában
Lot #6512 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1956 III. Rainier herceg esküvője sor Mi 561-568 2 klf blokkformában
Lot #6513 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1960-1967 Olimpia, Labdarúgás, Sakk sorok + önálló értékek
Lot #6514 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1964 Tokiói olimpia különnyomat vágott blokkformában Mi 784-788 imperforate block
Lot #6515 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1964 Kennedy fogazott és vágott blokk
Lot #6516 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1970-1988 Kutyakiállítások 8 klf bélyeg
Lot #6517 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1972 Nyári Olimpia, München sor ívközéprészes 8-as tömbben Mi 1045-1048
Lot #6518 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1978 Nemzetközi kutyakiállítás sor Mi 1347-1348
Lot #6519 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1978 Labdarúgó VB blokkpár fogazott és vágott
Lot #6520 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1978 Teljes évfolyam 3 stecklapon
Lot #6521 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1982 Nemzetközi kutyakiállítás sor Mi 1533-1534
Lot #6522 - Monaco philately and postal history world - monaco
1983 Teljes évfolyam (3 stecklap)
Darabanth Auctions
Darabanth Auctions organizes two online auctions every month with around 5000 items each. The auction material includes philately and postal history focused on Central-Eastern-Europe,... Read More
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