1867-1880 QVLT seln comprising 1867 imperf (x 5) 1/- to 10/-; 1967-75 die I, II perf (x 21) vals from 1d to £3; 1880 perf (x 21) vals 2/6d to £5, some postal cancels. Also 'counterparts' (x 6). Widely varying cond.
Postal Stamp Auction #521
By: Mowbray Collectables
Mowbray Collectables Postal Stamp Auction #521
Our monthly postal stamp auction #521 has a huge range of 3,798 of lots, worldwide, suitable for all collectors!
Every lot is covered by our “Satisfaction Guarantee”.
Remember all estimates are in New Zealand Dollars. (NZ$1 = approx. US65c, €61c, £0.50)
There is no Buyer’s Premium added to the sale price of our postal stamp auctions. (For New Zealand bidders 15% GST will be added to the sale price)
Once payment is received, items are dispatched in a timely manner, well packaged, with a view to keeping the postage/courier costs as low as possible.
The closing date for the auction is Tuesday 17th March, and bids should be received by midnight (NZ time is GMT + 13).
For further information on any lots or to request scans, please email auctions@mowbrays.co.nz
Download a PDF of the catalogue here https://www.mowbrays.co.nz/files/36fdfb39-1d03-4d86-909a-2c99517a4e20.pdf
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- (-) Remove NEW ZEALAND - Revenues filter NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
- (-) Remove NEW ZEALAND - Revenues filter NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
Lot #1867 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 1d QVLT slate & red, Die I, imperf, star wmk. Kiwi R179Aa. Cat $45.
Lot #1868 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 4d QLT Die I, green & brown, p12½, small NZ wmk, attractive pen cancel. Kiwi R265A.
Lot #1869 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 6d QVLT bistre-bown & blue, Die I x 2 diff small NZ (11 x 5.5mm) wmks: a) reversed & b) inverted & reversed. Kiwi R185.
Lot #1870 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 1/- QVLT pale lilac & green, Die I, p12½, wmk large NZ (16 x 6mm), bleuté paper. Kiwi R272da. Cat $40.
Lot #1871 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 1/- QVLT pale lilac & green, p12½ x 2 diff wmk, large NZ (16 x 6mm), white & bleuté papers. Kiwi R272d, R272da. Cat $47.50.
Lot #1872 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 1/- QVLT, Die I, p12½, impressed NZ monogram x 2 shades. Kiwi R271b.
Lot #1873 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 1/8d QVLT grey-brown & blue, Die I, NZ wmk invt & reversed, small figures of value, imperf, 4 margins. Interesting thread-like plate flaw from base of neck to under EA. Repaired, partially rebacked. No apparent cancel. Kiwi R194. Cat $1250.
Lot #1874 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 2/- QVLT, orange-red & deep blue,Die I, imperf 4 mgns, NZ monogram. Kiwi R197. Cat $50.
Lot #1875 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 2/- QVLT Die I, imperf x 2 small NZ wmk (11 x 5.5mm): a) upright wmk & b) invt & reversed wmk. Kiwi R196.
Lot #1876 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 3/- QVLT pale lilac & green, Die I, p12½, large NZ (16 x 6mm) wmk on white & bleuté papers. Kiwi R283c, R283ca. Cat $47.50.
Lot #1877 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 3/- QVLT Die I, imperf x 2 diff small NZ wmk (11 x 5.5mm): a) upright wmk & b) invt & reversed wmk. Kiwi R202.
Lot #1878 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 4/- QVLT orange-red & blue, Die I, p12½, impressed NZ monogram. Kiwi R286.
Lot #1879 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 4/- QVLT orange-red & blue, Die I, impressed NZ monogram, imperf. Kiwi R207. Cat $20.
Lot #1880 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 7/6d QVLT, blue & black, Die I, wmk NZ invt & reversed, p12½, two distinct shades, light cancels, fine cond. Kiwi R301. Cat $80.
Lot #1881 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 9/- QVLT dull purple & red, Die I, wmk small NZ invt & reversed, p12½. Corner perf fault. Light m/s cancel. Kiwi R305. Cat $150.
Lot #1882 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 15/- QVLT Die I, grey & red, p12½, small NZ wmk, part Hawke's Bay cancel. Kiwi R311. Cat $40.
Lot #1883 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 £1/5/- QVLT grey & red, Die I, wmk small NZ invt & reversed, p12½. Imperf at base (perfs trimmed?). Fiscal cds & embossing cancels. Kiwi R317. Cat $150.
Lot #1884 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 £1/10/- QVLT orange-red & green, Die I, wmk small NZ (upright), p12½, thin paper. "OTAGO" fiscal cds & embossing cancels. Kiwi R319 var. Cat $125.
Lot #1885 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 9/- QVLT Die I, p12½, small NZ (11 x 5.5mm) wmk, light fine oval cancel. Not punched or embossed. Cat $150.
Lot #1886 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1867 £1/5/- QVLT Die I, trimmed perfs, foil slit, Otago 29 May 1879 cancel, on piece. Kiwi 317. Cat $150.
Lot #1887 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
c1867 £8 QVLT 1st design, Die I, with 15/-, both trimmed (no margins) on piece. Wellington crown cds & metal tie. Kiwi cat $375.
Lot #1888 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1871 1d QVLT Die II bright violet & green, p10 x 12½. O/c. OG. Mint (unpriced as mint). Kiwi R337b.
Lot #1889 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1871-79 QVLT Die II, perf dupl range of 173 used on 7 Hagner pgs. Incl 1d x 50, 2d x 7, 6d x 5, 1/- x 28, 2/6d x 53 (2 major shades), 5/- x 19, 6/- x 1, 10/- x 10. Many apparent shade/perf/wmk variants (unchecked). Kiwi cat $880 simplified.
Lot #1890 - NEW ZEALAND - Revenues
1873 1d QVLT violet & blue, Die II, p10 x 12½, large NZ (16 x 6mm) wmk. Kiwi R338a. Cat $10.
Mowbray Collectables
Mowbray Collectables is New Zealand’s leading philatelic and numismatic auction house.
Postal stamp auctions are held monthly, with sale catalogues mailed out to about 3,500 customers... Read More