Ukraina / Ukraine: 100 Karbovantsiv 1917, back inverted, P.1b, graffiti at left border on front, mar
100 Karbovantsiv 1917, back inverted, P.1b, graffiti at left border on front, margin splits and tears at center, Condition: F-.
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Sale #48 The Banknotes
By: Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #48 The Banknotes
Versteigerungsfolge – Auction Schedule
MONTAG, 12. OKTOBER 2020 – Monday, 12 October 2020
EINZELLOSE & SAMMLUNGEN – Single lots & collections
9.30 Uhr BANKNOTEN ALLE WELT 1 - 1.168
9.30 am Banknotes Worldwide
Banknotes Germany
DIENSTAG, 13. OKTOBER 2020 – Tuesday, 13 October 2020
EINZELLOSE & SAMMLUNGEN – single lots & collections
9.30 am International Numismatics / Coins
16.00 Uhr ANSICHTSKARTEN 3.000 - 4.710
4.00 pm Picture Postcards
MITTWOCH, 14. OKTOBER 2020 – Wednesday, 14 October 2020
EINZELLOSE –singlelots
9.30 Uhr ASIEN 5.000 - 6.064
9.30 am Asia
THEMATIK 6.065 - 6.923
ÜBERSEE 7.000 - 7.892
Airmail / Ship mail
11.30 Uhr EUROPA 8.200 - 10.208
11.30 am Europe
14.00 Uhr ALTDEUTSCHLAND 10.300 - 10.717
2.00 pm German States
DEUTSCHES REICH 10.718 - 11.367
German Reich
DEUTSCHLAND NACH 1945 11.900 - 12.695
Germany after 1945
DONNERSTAG, 15. OKTOBER 2020 – Thursday, 15 October 2020
AUSLANDSPOSTÄMTER & KOLONIEN - SUDETENLAND 11.368 - 11.853 DT. BESETZUNG WK II - KZ- & LAGERPOST German Foreign PO ́s & Colonies - Sudetenland German Occupation WW II - Camp Mail
SAMMLUNGEN – collections
9.30 Uhr ÜBERSEE 12.700 - 15.138
9.30 am Overseas
FLUGPOST / SCHIFFSPOST 15.139 - 15.205
Airmail / Ship mail
THEMATIK 15.300 - 16.268
14.00 Uhr EUROPA 16.300 - 19.587
2.00 pm Europe
FREITAG, 16. OKTOBER 2020 – Friday, 16 October 2020
SAMMLUNGEN – collections
9.30 Uhr
9.30 am
13.00 Uhr
1.00 pm
Estates, supplement
Germany before 1945
Germany after 1945
19.600 - 19.985 20.100 - 21.089 21.100 - 21.748
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In philately you can discover something new every day ...
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- (-) Remove Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten filter Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten
- (-) Remove Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten filter Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten
Lot #896 - Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten
Lot #897 - Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten
Ukraina / Ukraine: 2000 Hryven 1918, P.25 in VF+ to XF condition.
2000 Hryven 1918, P.25 in VF+ to XF condition.
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Lot #898 - Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten
Ukraina / Ukraine: 1000 Karbovantsiv ND(1918), watermark wavy line, P.35a in UNC condition.
1000 Karbovantsiv ND(1918), watermark wavy line, P.35a in UNC condition.
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Lot #899 - Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten
Ukraina / Ukraine: Consumer check of 5 Kopeks of the black sea region, Odessa 1924, P,NL (RB 7990),
Consumer check of 5 Kopeks of the black sea region, Odessa 1924, P,NL (RB 7990), previously mounted, otherwise perfect, Condition: aUNC/UNC.
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Lot #1122 - Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten
Ukraina / Ukraine: larger set of 112 notes containing the following Pick numbers in different quanti
larger set of 112 notes containing the following Pick numbers in different quantities and qualities: P. 5, 21, 23, 24, 35, 36, 11a, S369, 124, S343b, S357, S369, 115, viewing of the lot strongly advised. (112 pcs)
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Lot #1123 - Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten
Ukraina / Ukraine: Album with 30 banknotes and Notgeld issues from CHARKOW, KHERSON, PROSKUROV, KAME
Album with 30 banknotes and Notgeld issues from CHARKOW, KHERSON, PROSKUROV, KAMENETZ-PODOLSK, KIEW and ELISABETGRAD comprising a receipt of 300 Rubles Charkow dated 1911, checks of the loan savings bank company "Автокредит" with 1, 3, 5 and 25 Rubles 1918 P.NL (R.1994-1996, 1998) (F+ to VF); provisional receipts of the Plenipotentiary...
Lot #1124 - Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten
Ukraina / Ukraine: Album with 39 banknotes and regional issues of the Crimea and Odessa area compris
Album with 39 banknotes and regional issues of the Crimea and Odessa area comprising for the CRIMEA TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT 500 and 1000 Rubles 1918 P.S366, S367 (F+/VF), 50 Kopeks stamp money issue 1918 P.S369 (UNC), 3x 5 Rubles (one unfinished proof) 1918 P.S370a,b,x (F- to VF), 10 Rubles 1918 P.S371b (F-) and 3x 25 Rubles 1918 P.S372a,b...
Lot #1125 - Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten
Ukraina / Ukraine: Album with 44 banknotes of the Ukraine & Crimea area, comprising for the City of
Album with 44 banknotes of the Ukraine & Crimea area, comprising for the City of BAR 3 Rubles 1919 P.NL (R.689) (F), City of LADYSHIN 3 Rubles voucher ND(1918) P.NL (R.726) (F/F+), City of MOGILEV 1, 10 and 2x 20 Hriven 1919 P.NL (R.733, 736, 739) (VG to XF), 50 Karbovantsiv State issue 1917 with additional black stamp on front P....
Lot #1126 - Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten
Ukraina / Ukraine: Album with 78 banknotes starting with the Compensation Certificates 1992 of 1 and
Album with 78 banknotes starting with the Compensation Certificates 1992 of 1 and 2 Million Karbovantsiv P.91A,B (UNC), the Privatization Certificate of 1.050.000 Karbovantsiv 1995 P.101 (VF+); for the first series of the National Bank of the Ukraine 1, 2x 3, 2x 5 (one as reverse proof), 10, 25, 50, and 100 Karbovantsiv 1991 P. 81-87 (UNC...
Lot #1127 - Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten
Ukraina / Ukraine: Album with 85 banknotes of the first issue of the Ukrainian State Bank, comprisin
Album with 85 banknotes of the first issue of the Ukrainian State Bank, comprising 100 Karbovantsiv 1917 and two contemporary forgeries of the 100 Karbovantsiv 1917 P.1b and 1b forgery (F/F-), 3x 25 Karbovantsiv 1918 P.2a,b (F- to F+, one with punch hole cancellation), 10x 50 Karbovantsiv 1918 P.4a,b, 5a, 6a,b (F- to XF); for the stamp...
Lot #1128 - Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten
Ukraina / Ukraine: Album with 83 sheets of the 1990-1992 "Ruble Control Coupon" Issue, comprising 11
Album with 83 sheets of the 1990-1992 "Ruble Control Coupon" Issue, comprising 11x 20 Karbovantsiv dated December 1990, February, March, May, June, August, September, October, 2x November and December 1991 P.68b,d,e,g,h,j,k,l,m,n (VF to UNC); 22x 50 Karbovantsiv dated December 1990, January, 3x March, 3x April, 4x May, June, 2x September...
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG is an established dealer in Germany. For many years the company published direct sale list of stamps and covers from all the world. In 2006 they... Read More
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