1883, 100 C. grün/rot, 10. Auflage, Rahmentype II und Rahmen normalstehend, sauber gestempelt, rückseitig kleiner Gelbfleck, sonst tadellos, sehr schönes Stück dieser seltenen Marke, sign. Pfenninger und Attest Abt BPP (1990) (Mi. 1.400,-)
375rd Heinrich Köhler auction - Day 1
By: Heinrich Koehler Auktionen
Heinrich Koehler Auktionen 375rd Heinrich Köhler auction - Day 1
Viewing times of the 375th Heinrich Köhler auction and The ERIVAN Collection 4th. Auction
Heinrich Köhler Auktionshaus GmbH & Co. KG
Hasengartenstr. 25, 65189 Wiesbaden
Telefon +49 (0)611 34 14 9-0
E-Mail [email protected]
Auction Schedule
Monday, 16 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 1000-1724 |
Single Lots: Liechtenstein, Austria,
Switzerland, Europe and Colonies:
Aegean Islands – Italy, including
Special offer: Denmark – The 1851 act ·
The Gavin Fryer Collection
Special offer: Transatlantic Mail ·
The “Magellan” Collection
from 1:30 p.m. | Lot 1725-2428 |
Single Lots: Europe and Colonies:
Latvia – Ukraine, Great Britain and British
Commonwealth, Overseas countries,
Shipmail, Airmail, Zeppelin, Olympics,
Thematics and Literature, Coins, including
Special offer: Poland – Generals 1944 ·
Specialised Collection Postal History (Part I)
Special offer: Jean de Sperati –
The ultimate collection
Tuesday, 17 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 6001-6336 |
Special Catalogue: Latvia since 1918 ·
The Wolfgang Watzke Collection
from 12:00 p.m. | Lot 2429-3446 |
Single Lots: German Empire 1872 – 1945,
German post offices abroad and colonies,
German Occupation WWI, German
Areas and Plebiscites, Saar, Danzig, Memel,
German Occupation WWII, including the
“Montparnasse” Collection
Wednesday, 18 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 3447-4217 |
Single Lots: Germany after 1945: Local
issues, Allied Forces issues, Soviet Occupation
Zone, German Democratic Republic,
Berlin, Bizone, Federal Republik of Germany,
including the “Montparnasse” Collection
from 2:30 p.m. | Lot 10001-10463 |
Collections: Europe: Aegean Islands –
Vatikan, including Great Britain and
British Commonwealth
Thursday, 19 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 10464-10888 |
Collections: Overseas countries,
General collections All World / Europe /
Overseas, Airmail and Zeppelin, Thematic
collections, Picture Postcards, Coins,
Literature, German States
from 1:30 p.m. | Lot 10889-11526 |
Collections: German Empire, German
post offices abroad and Colonies,
German Occupation WWI, German
Areas and Plebiscites, Danzig, Memel,
German Occupation WWII,
General collections Germany,
Germany after 1945
Friday, 20 November 2020 | from 09:00 a.m. | Lot 4218-4560 |
Single Lots: German States Baden –
Württemberg, North German
Confederation, including the
“Montparnasse” Collection, including
Special offer: German “Fahrpost”
Agencies in the Netherlands 1839–1874 ·
The Dr. Albert Louis Collection
Special offer: North German postal
district – The “Albatros” Collection
from 11:00 a.m. | Lot 7001-7266 |
Special Catalogue: Bavaria 1849–1920 ·
The Werner Knüttel Collection (Part I)
from 1:30 p.m. | Lot 8001-8393 |
Special Catalogue: Départements
Conquis, Prussia, Saxony, Thurn&Taxis ·
The Dr. Josef Altmann Collection
from 5:00 p.m. | Lot 9001-9232 |
Special Catalogue: Slesvig: From
Danish Duchy to Plebiscite 1920 ·
The Christopher King Collection (Part I)
Saturday, 21 November 2020 | from 11:00 a.m. | Lot 1-265 |
German States · German Empire –
The ERIVAN Collection – 4th Auction
Auction Venue
The auction takes place at our premises in Hasengartenstr. 25, Wiesbaden, Germany.
Sale Terms
Refine Your Search
- (-) Remove Main catalogue filter Main catalogue
- (-) Remove Main catalogue filter Main catalogue
Sub Category
- coins (58) Apply coins filter
- foreign ship mail (2) Apply foreign ship mail filter
- german states (1) Apply german states filter
- Great Britain (9) Apply Great Britain filter
- Literatur: Deutschland Allgemein (14) Apply Literatur: Deutschland Allgemein filter
- Literatur: Übersee (2) Apply Literatur: Übersee filter
- literature (15) Apply literature filter
- motive collections (5) Apply motive collections filter
- Switzerland - postage due (1) Apply Switzerland - postage due filter
- United Kingdom - Used abroad (1) Apply United Kingdom - Used abroad filter
Lot #1131 - Main catalogue Switzerland - postage due
Lot #1473 - Main catalogue
RUSSIAN OCC. CRETE/RETHYMNON 1899 second Trident issue with stars, complete sheet of 32 of the 1 gr. claret, fine consition with only a few marginal hinge remainders and some fragile perforations.
Lot #1474 - Main catalogue
1898 2m. black first issue fine ungummed block of 6 with Control mark used on the later Trident issues. A Peter Holcombe pencil note on reverse speculates that this is a Proof of the Control mark. Paper fold visible on reverse, fine and rare ex J U Schmitt.
Lot #1958 - Main catalogue Great Britain
1840, Mulready envelope 1 d. black, Stereo A134, unused, very fine
Lot #1959 - Main catalogue Great Britain
1847/54, embossed 6 d. lilac, cut to shape, with 2 copies 1854/57, 1 d. red-brown on blued, tied by duplex "LIVERPOOL 12 JU 1856" via France to Switzerland, very fine
Lot #1960 - Main catalogue Great Britain
5 £ orange, AE, with overprint "SPECIMEN" type 9, fresh colour, gum slightly soaked in upper perfs and one short perf at left, otherwise a fine and rare stamp (SG £4.500,-)
Lot #1961 - Main catalogue Great Britain
1873/80, 1 s. green, pl. 13, 3 copies tied by duplex "EXCHANGE LIVERPOOL 16 JA 78" to entire letter to Lima, Peru, stamp at top right small defects, still fine
Lot #1962 - Main catalogue Great Britain
1884, 1 £ brown-lilac, watermark imperial crowns, used, very fine (SG £ 3.000,-)
Lot #1963 - Main catalogue Great Britain
1884, 1 £ brown-lilac, watermark imperial crowns, used, very fine (SG £ 3.000,-)
Lot #1964 - Main catalogue Great Britain
1902, King Edward VII. 10 sh. ultramarine, unused, fine (SG 1.000,-)
Lot #1965 - Main catalogue Great Britain
1929, UPU £ 1 black, unmounted mint, fine, signed
Lot #1967 - Main catalogue United Kingdom - Used abroad
"C51" on 1865/73, 4 d. vermilion, pl. 8, on entire letter from "ST. THOMAS JA 2 67" to Jacmel, Haiti, very fine
Lot #2091 - Main catalogue
"AMSTERDAM Fo. GRENZEN" in red on entire letter from Amsterdam to Copenhagen, prepaid with "5" stuiver (noted on reverse), transported via Wildeshausen and Hamburg and charged in Denmark with 200 Rbs. N.V.
Lot #2092 - Main catalogue
"Aus Schweden", boxed marking on front of entire letter with blue dispatch mark "TRONDHJEM 6/12 1852" via Helsingoer and the Swedish Norwegian post office at Hamburg with frontside oval "FRANCO" to Bordeaux
Lot #2093 - Main catalogue
"befördert durch J.H. Venauer & Priess, Lübeck 11 Juli 1814" in manuscript with adjacent "H.P." on reverse of entire letter from Stockholm to Oldenburg, endorsed "frei Hambg." and frontside "ST. P. LUB."
Lot #2094 - Main catalogue
"C.P." framed black cancel struck twice on folded cover from "LEMBERG 28 OCT" sent to Torino, there re-addressed to Civitavecchia there again re-addressed to Florence, fine
Lot #2095 - Main catalogue
"CRED AUST. Sdi" black straight-line on under paid envelope franked with Austria Emperor Franz Joseph 10k. blue with cds. "WIEN 15 5 68" to Brescia, a fine and attractive entire
Lot #2096 - Main catalogue
"D" in red and "P" in red, each on folded letter from Modena to Venezia resp. Verona, fine
Lot #2097 - Main catalogue
"D.A,a.L" in black resp. in red on cover to Genoa resp. Turin, fine
Lot #2098 - Main catalogue
"DA-FA" (Diretta Austria, Fiorentino Austriache) in black on folded lettersheet franked with India 1855 Victoria 8a. carmine, tied by duplex cds. "CALCUTTA MY 8", cover endorsed "per St. Simla" with boxed "INDIA PAID" alongside, to Genoa, a fine and attractive entire
Lot #2099 - Main catalogue
"DANEMARCK", octagonal handstamp on entire letter from "CHRISTIANIA 16/7 1852" via Hamburg to Paris, endorsed "franco dansk Graendse", altered to "franco direct" charged "11" decimes
Lot #2100 - Main catalogue
"DANEMARCK PAR HAMBOURG" clear on entire letter from Copenhagen 1826 to Rome, partpaid to the border of the Papal States ("Hambourg" in "frco Hambourg" crossed out)
Lot #2101 - Main catalogue
"DANEMARCK PAR HAMBOURG" and "T.T.R.4" on entire letter 1824 from Trondheim to Bordeaux, endorsed "over Fredhavn". The letter was according to the postal of 1821 paid to Hamburg, charged "19" decimes at Bordeaux for the remaining route
Lot #2102 - Main catalogue
"DANEMARCK PAR HAMBOURG", double line marking on entire printed business circular dated 1.1.1848, privately carried to Copenhagen and posted here with greenish "KJØBENHAVEN 3 1 1848" via Hamburg and France to Porto with blue handstamp "480" (reis), 40 reis inland postage added and a total of "520" reis due
Lot #2103 - Main catalogue
"D'ANGLETERRE", two covers from London to Genoa, fine
Heinrich Koehler Auktionen
Since 1913 the name of Heinrich Koehler has stood for outstanding auctions in the philatelic world. Such a reputation cannot simply be acquired or assumed;... Read More