Deutsches Reich - Markenheftchen: 1910, 2 M. Germania-Markenheftchen, Deckel und alle Zwischenblätte
1910, 2 M. Germania-Markenheftchen, Deckel und alle Zwischenblätter + Original-Klammer (Rostflecken), M€ für komplettes Heftchen wäre 15.000,-.
Sale #49 Single lots Asia, Thematics, Oversea, Europe, Old German States, Third Reich, German Colonies and the Federal Republic of Germany
By: Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Sale #49 Single lots Asia, Thematics, Oversea, Europe, Old German States, Third Reich, German Colonies and the Federal Republic of Germany
49th AUCTION at 22th-26th of february 2021
Not from "The Guardian." The renowned British daily newspaper wrote in April 2019 "Post modern: why millennials have fallen in love with stamp collecting"
About the term: Millennials, or Generation Y, is the term commonly used to describe the generation born in the period from the early 1980s to the late 1990s. As usual for the Guardian, thorough research was done: not only the 37-year-old (only the second) female chairman of the Philatelic Traders Society, the manager of an auction house and a 29-year-old senior auctioneer were interviewed, but also collectors, i.e. "fans", as the newspaper writes in the original text.
The comments of the respondents ranged from "creative pursuit as an escape from the screen-based lives", "Philately is tangible: it’s relaxing and unplugged", "Stamp collecting is presumed to be a solitary endeavour reserved for the older members of society, but this could not be further from the truth" and "stamp collecting is a lifestyle". I will refrain from further quotations here, but I can confirm that many customers and friends of the Gärtner Auctions belong to the Generation Y.
Countless conversations show, whether during the viewing hours, at the auctions or at international exhibitions, that the "young ones" – especially overseas – are catching up. Therefore, we can also confirm from our own experience that the Guardian has not served us fake news. Guaranteed it is also not fake news, what I can report about our exciting February auctions:
We start with coins and banknotes / 22 February 2021
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Special catalogue Australia – break up of a large collection / 23 February 2021
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Special catalogue USA – Wells Fargo / 23 February 2021
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Single lots Asia, Thematics, Oversea, Europe – with the beautiful section China 1897 Red Revenues / 24 February 2021
Very strong offer Germany single lots – from Old German States, Third Reich, German Colonies and the Federal Republic of Germany, expect top philatelic items / 24 February 2021
Nearly 10.000 collections Overseas, Thematics, Europe, Germany/Estates / 25 - 26 February 2021
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Lot #12667 - Deutsches Reich - Markenheftchen
Lot #12668 - Deutsches Reich - Markenheftchen
Deutsches Reich - Markenheftchen: 1910, Markenheftchen 1 Ordnungsnummer 1 Deckel rosa ohne Freimarke
1910, Markenheftchen 1 Ordnungsnummer 1 Deckel rosa ohne Freimarken - aber mit Zwischenlegblättern, Klammer Rostsp., mit beiden Andreaskreuzen (Mängel)
Lot #12669 - Deutsches Reich - Markenheftchen
Deutsches Reich - Markenheftchen: 1911, Markenheftchen 3 Ordnungsnummer 5 ohne Freimarken - aber mit
1911, Markenheftchen 3 Ordnungsnummer 5 ohne Freimarken - aber mit Reklamefeldern und Zwischenlegblättern, Klammer Rostsp.
Lot #12670 - Deutsches Reich - Markenheftchen
Deutsches Reich - Markenheftchen: 1939. WHW Bauwerke-MH 2 Reichsmark mit orangefarbenen Deckelseiten
1939. WHW Bauwerke-MH 2 Reichsmark mit orangefarbenen Deckelseiten und leicht geändertem Druck (Schrifttype und Rahmen), komplett, postfrisch. Bisher sind nur etwa 12 bis 15 Stücke bekannt (teils deutliche Qualitätsunterschiede). Siehe auch Notiz im Michel-Handbuch, dahingehend, dass bisher nicht abschließend geklärt werden konnte, ob es...
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG is an established dealer in Germany. For many years the company published direct sale list of stamps and covers from all the world. In 2006 they... Read More
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