Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost: 1878 (August 31) - 15c SAGE on a letter franked at military rat
1878 (August 31) - 15c SAGE on a letter franked at military rate cancelled "ESCAD. DE LA MEDIT / MARSEILLE" - Written by Frédéric Amable BOURGAREL (1826 - 1897), Second in command on the cruiser "CHAMPLAIN". A photocopy of the original letterhead reads "Monday, August 26, 1878; in Tunis harbour; on board the Champlain". A defect in the...
50th Auction Anniversary Auction - Day 3
By: Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 50th Auction Anniversary Auction - Day 3
50th AUCTION at 9 - 10 and 21 - 26 June 2021
Dear friends of Auktionshaus Gärtner,
I could now list for you the numerous rarities that will be offered, such as the Mauritius Ball Cover (lot 1) or the world's largest space collection (lot 2) – take yourself on an exciting philatelic journey around the world.
On the occasion of the anniversary of the 50th international Christoph Gärtner Auction, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude - to all those who have supported and accompanied me up to this point in making my philatelic dreams and visions come true. Without the many people around me, I could not have made this journey. Great thanks go to my family, first and foremost to my dearly loved wife Regina and my charming daughter Carolin, who have had not only endless patience - words cannot express it - but have also moved the C.G. group forward with their innovative ideas.
I would also like to thank my whole team for their tireless efforts. They constantly meet my challenging aims and perspectives and always achieve top performance in realizing them. I am aware that I have often gone to the limits, for the success of all.
Of course, my special thanks also go to my valued customers and to all bidders and consignors for their many years of trust and loyalty. You give me and my team drive, power and motivation to continue and to constantly improve. My personal incentive is to make the next 50 auctions always special and exciting for you.
I now wish everyone good health and that one or the other secret wish comes true.
Christoph Gärtner
50th Auction | Anniversary Auction
9-10 and 21 - 26 June 2021 / philately, coins & banknotes
Closing date for consigments: Single lots 8 weeks and collection lots 7 weeks before auction.
Sale Terms
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- (-) Remove Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost filter Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost
- (-) Remove Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost filter Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost
Lot #8811 - Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost
Lot #8812 - Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost
Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost: 1884 Lettre affranchit 15c SAGE, tarif militaire oblitéré "Pari
1884 Lettre affranchit 15c SAGE, tarif militaire oblitéré "Paris 27 Juin 84". A destination du capitaine Abraham Léon Armand FLOUCAUD de FOURCROY (1831 - 1929), commandant du navire LA VENUS, de la Division Navale du Levant a Smyrne, Turquie. Lettre PURIFIÉ CONTRE LE CHOLÉRA (disinfected mail). Rare. Ex coll. S.J. Luft.
Lot #8813 - Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost
Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost: 1885 (31 Mai) 15c SAGE sur lettre affranchit au tarif militaire
1885 (31 Mai) 15c SAGE sur lettre affranchit au tarif militaire oblitéré "CORR.D'ARMÉES/LIG J PAQ.F.Nº 2".Lettre datée du 29 Mars, DAKAR (SENEGAL). Au verso cad "Audierne 11 Juin 85". Ayant voyagé par la la ligne J ( Buenos Aires - Montevideo - Rio de Janeiro - Bahia - Pernambouco - Dakar - Lisbon - Bordeaux). Rare avec correspondance...
Lot #8814 - Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost
Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost: 1888, (19 Fev) 15c SAGE, tarif militaire oblitéré c.a.d octagon
1888, (19 Fev) 15c SAGE, tarif militaire oblitéré c.a.d octagonal "LIGNE T / PAQ.FR.Nº 6 19 Fev. 1888", SERVICE DE L'OCÉAN INDIEN ". Itinéraire Nouvelle Calédonie - Australie - Réunion - Aden - Suez - Marseille. Très probablement posté sur le navire LA SALAZIE. Ex coll. S.J. Luft.
Lot #8815 - Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost
Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost: 1893, (24 Juillet) 15c Sage affranchit au tarif militaire, CORR
1893, (24 Juillet) 15c Sage affranchit au tarif militaire, CORR.D'ARMÉES/ PAQ.F.Nº 7 (sans indication de la ligne N de la ligne, pour remplacement du cachet disparu dans le sinestre du Meikong). Au verso ambulant "Marseille a Lyon Special 29 Juil 93". Envoyé au Ministere des Colonies et de la Marine, Paris. Probalement posté sur le...
Lot #8816 - Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost
Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost: 1895 , (3 Mai) Lettre correspondance d'armées, affranchit Franc
1895 , (3 Mai) Lettre correspondance d'armées, affranchit France 15c SAGE au tarif militaire, c.a.d "CORR. D'ARMEES SMYRNE.FR / 1 MAI" (Izmir, Turquie / Turkey) , a destination Sisteron. Verso arrivée Sisteron, Basse-Alpes. Avec sa correspondance de 8 pages. Ecrit abord du DAVOUT, rade de Smyrne , 20 AVRIL 1895. TB et RARE. Ex coll. S.J....
Lot #8817A - Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost
Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost: 1944, RED CROSS TRACING SERVICE, official preprinted letter-she
1944, RED CROSS TRACING SERVICE, official preprinted letter-sheet from the French Red Cross Central Commitee in DAKAR, SENEGAL with message from a french soldier addressed to Triel-sur-Seine in France, french and german red cross cachets and 1,50 F meter cancellation Paris alongside. Red Cross Tracing Services from African States are very...
Lot #8817 - Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost
Frankreich - Militärpost / Feldpost: 1898 (16 Sept.) Lettre correspondance d'armées, 15c Sage, affra
1898 (16 Sept.) Lettre correspondance d'armées, 15c Sage, affranchit au tarif militaire c.a.d "CAD CORR. D'ARMEES PORT-SAÏD / 16 SEPT " a destination de Paris, France.TB (A RARE FRENCH MILITARY P.O IN EGYPT) Ex coll. S.J. Luft
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG is an established dealer in Germany. For many years the company published direct sale list of stamps and covers from all the world. In 2006 they... Read More
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