
classicphil GmbH - Matthias Fukac

lot # 30453 - india india

Monday Oct 14, 2019 09:00 to Wednesday Oct 16, 2019 13:00 Europe/Vienna

India, 1978, 1999, 50 p., 2 r., 3., lot of colour omission errors, horizontal strip of (10), 2x vertical strip of (3), block of (6), (6), one pair and 2 singles for reference, the omissions include missing inscription (sithar), missing blue and green colour, blocks and strips all margin pieces, MNH except reference singles are MH, VF-XF!. Estimate 800€. SG 723, 883, 885, 1847
Estimate €800

SG 723, 883, 885, 1847


Sale Terms