
Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 10622 - brit. colonies Australia

Tuesday Nov 29, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Watermark Multiple Crown C of A 1931/36: Sideface 1 d. green, Die I, wmk. Multiple Crown C of A, perf. 13½ x 12½, an unused block of four from Plate 1, marginal from top of sheet with interpanneau margin at left, variety "Imperforate at Top", very fresh and very fine appearance, tiny precautionary hinges, large part og. with upper pair unmounted og. A splendid, famous and rare multiple affecting just 12 stamps in sheet; this block illustrated in Brusden White on page 4/131. A great rarity of excellent provenance. Cert. SPRS (2015) BW 82b = $ 45'000+.rnProvenance: Collection Mrs. Jill Nette, Harmers Australia, Sydney, 27 and 39 Aug 1971, lot 175; Harmers Australia, Sydney, 4-5 Dec 1975, lot 129; Rod Perry, Melbourne, 6 Dec 1979, lot 122; Harmers Australia, Sydney, 2 June 1982, lot 187; Sir Gawaine Baillie, Sotheby's, Melbourne, 13-15 July 2005, lot 476; Collection Arthur Gray, Mossgreen, Melbourne, 30 Oct 2015, lot 336.rn 

Michel Catalogue 297: Australia - The DUBOIS Collection (part I)


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