
Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 20525 - brit. colonies Australia

Monday Jun 05, 2023 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Essay 1905: Handpainted composite Essay by an unknown artist but possibly by G. W. Vaughan, on thick card (142 x 159 mm.) for proposed 2 d. value with vignette showing three-quarter printed portrait of Edward VII with surround hand-painted in black, Chinese white and shades of blue with surrounding simulated perforations, inscribed "Postage & Revenue" at top, "Commonwealth of Australia / Queensland" surrounding the vignette and the value at base. Absolutely exquisite and unique BW E30 = $ 10'000.rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Leslie Abramovitch, Temple Bar, London, 28 Feb 1973; Premier, Melbourne, 30 Sept 2000, lot 181; Spink, London, 22-23 March 2002, lot 18; Collection Arthur Gray, Shreves, New York, 22-23 Feb 2007, lot 18.

Catalogue 307: Australia - The DUBOIS Collection Collection (part II)


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